|15|Lunch and Bruises

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Archer never showed up for class something Imelda was very grateful for but each passing second she grew curiouser about the originator of the rumor and the piercing stares and sometimes glared she got in the hallways didn't make the situation any better.

She sat at a lunch table with a couple of friends she had made, most of them were Lottie's friends she was forced to hang out with and a couple of girls she talked to in her classes.

Normally she would sit at her table alone with Rouge since Finn and Lottie both have lunch the next period but unfortunately he was absent today.

She sulked in her seat poking at her basket of fries, each passing moment she was getting sick and tired of hearing the girls gossip about the rumor right in front of her, occasionally asking her dumb questions about the fight.

She popped a cold fry in her mouth before pushing back her tray and getting up, "I have to use the bathroom." She muttered to no one in particular as she walked out of the cafeteria.

She stalked off to her next class since lunch was about to end anyways.

French was her last class of the day and unfortunately for her, she shared it with Archer who she had seen a couple of times in the hallway with a busted lip, a couple of bandages around his nose, he had a couple of pale purple bruises here and there and a darker one on his jaw.

The sight of him was enough to make her wince and shudder.

She sat at the back of the class that contained a couple of students gathered in a small group laughing together. She took her braids out of the high bun they were styled in before redoing the style again, a bad habit she did whenever she felt anxious.

Eventually the class began to fill up and Archer sauntered in taking a seat at the back of the class, a few seats away from her.

She sunk into her seat praying that he didn't look over to her side.

Much to her dismay the forty minute class felt like two whole hours until the closing bell finally rung, she sprung out of her seat, stuffing all her belongings into her bag quickly.

"Mademoiselle Cartel?" Mr. DuPont called signaling for Imelda to come to the front of the class.

She grunted under her breath before marching up to his table anxiously watching Archer from the side of her eye, he was moving suspiciously slow.

"Yes Mr. DuPont." She answered drumming her fingers on his desk.

"It's Monsieur DuPont to you," he quipped "anyways, I wanted to commend you on your effort put into the project submitted yesterday-"

"So I got an A?" She asked smiling a bit.

"No." He chuckled.


"It was a pretty outstanding piece of work but unfortunately you got the articles all messed up so unfortunately I had to give you a C."

"A C? Not even a B?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"You're quite the comedian Mademoiselle Cartel." He chuckled, "quite the comedian."

Imelda blinked at him before muttering a quick "ok," under her breath finding the situation anything but amusing "can I go now?"

"Of course, better luck next time!" He smiled before picking up his briefcase and exiting the class.

Imelda scoffed at him before going to retrieve her bag.

"Melly!" Archer smiled as she gripped her bag strap.

She froze clutching the strap tighter, "Archer." She coughed.

"I've been meaning to talk to you all day." He chuckled making his way up to her, every step he took forwards, she took one backwards.

"Really, why?"

"About our date of course!"

"D-date?" She chocked our.

"Yes date, don't tell me you forgot." He fake gasped placing his hand over his chest. "You know, our Soccer Night Date."

"Oh. That." She said in a small voice as realization dawned on her.

She agreed to go with him to the annual Soccer Night Dance of WoodChester High, it's one of the most important events in their high school and it's the one event where everyone goes all out, each student competing for the title of best dressed.

"We're still going together right?" He asked his tone hardening as he cornered her against the wall, a few inches away from her face.

She opened her mouth to answer before he cut her off, "I mean it's not like you've got a date anyways, everyone has one unless you wanna go with that piece of scum Rouge."

"He's not scum!" She spat glaring at him.

Archer laughed humorlessly his eyes holding a evil glint in them.

"You're the one who started those stupid rumors didn't you?" She accused feeling herself slowly boil with anger.

He laughed once again smiling like a maniac, "I'm afraid your right sweetheart." He said tracing her cheek with his hand.

She slapped his hand away feeling disgusted. "Don't touch me!"

He glared at her before pressing his body against hers and pinning her hands above her head, his grip on her wrists deathly tight.

"Let me go you piece of of shit!" She screamed struggling under his grasp, she wished she knee him where the sun didn't shine but unfortunately her legs were tightly pressed against his.

"You think that scum bag is better than me huh? Tell me Melly, what makes him so much better than me huh? He isn't even good looking!" He snapped his face so close to hers their noses were touching.

She scrunched up her nose at the stench on his breath, "you're literally assaulting me!" She screamed, "I promise you're not going to get away with this!"

He grinned at her placing a slimy kiss against her cheek, "You're cheeks are so soft, so kissable." He murmured kissing her again.

"Get off me!" She squirmed and struggle before spitting in his face.

His tongue slowly went around his upper lip, licking off her saliva, "you taste so good baby." He smirked.

That was the last straw for her, she butted him hard in the head making him stumble back before grabbing her bag and sprinting out of the class, her heart beating at an unusually fast pace.

Archer is so dreamy wtf😍😍

Jk jk don't attack me😭😭😭

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