|6|Spit Swapping

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"This orange turtleneck or this pink one?" Owen asked holding the two items in front of his sister.

"You can't wear either of them, I'm already wearing planning to wear a turtleneck." Imelda said shaking her head.

"Then cancel your outfit or whatever, I think I'm gonna go with the pink one." Owen said placing it on his bed.

Imelda rolled her eyes, "great I don't care, now can I leave?" She asked, she had been dragged into his room against her will to help him plan his outfit because according to him 'he needed someone else's opinion and criticism.'

"No not yet, should I go with a white tux?"

"Do you want to go with a white tux?"

"Yeah I guess."

"Well there's you answer, I'm leaving now, I have to plan a new fit." Imelda said getting off his beanbag.


But she was already gone causing Owen to huff.

It was now seven o'clock and Imelda had fully put on her outfit, she was wearing an orange body-con dress that stopped mid thigh, it had ruffles at the hem. She paired them with her orange Nike Air Jordan 1s. Her braids were in a half up half down style and her edges were laid. A thick layer of lipgloss coated her lips and she had done her eyebrows, applied mascara and had a Foxy eyeliner on.

She made her way down the stairs and into the living room where her 6 year old brother Ryder was seated, his new LEGO set littered around him.

"Hi Mewls." He said his chubby cheeks stretched into a smile.

"Hey Ry ready for the most boring night ever?" She asked crouching to his level to ruffle his mass of curls being careful not to crease her shoes.

"Yay!" Ryder cheered barely understanding what she just asked.

Imelda chuckled at his cuteness before making her way into the kitchen for a quick snack.

"Oh shit!" She cursed immediately shutting her eyes. Before her were her father and mother swapping spit.

The immediately pulled away to glare at their daughter. "What are you doing here?" Ezekiel asked dusting the invisible dirt off her dress.

"What am I going in here? What are you doing in here? This is a kitchen for Pete's sake, I eat here." She complained her eyes still clamped shut.

"You can open your eyes now." Philip said rolling his eyes.

Imelda slowly peeled her eyes open unsurely meeting the unamused gaze of her parents.

"You guys already have a room together, use it." She muttered grabbing a bag of caramel popcorn off the counter and quickly leaving the kitchen.

"What happened?" Owen asked noticing his sisters disturbed state as he came down the stairs. He was clad in a white tuxedo paired with the pink long sleeved turtle neck and white Nike Air Force 1s, his golden nose stud was replaced with a diamond stud and his hair was styled in a 360 waves style.

"Mom and dad were making out in the kitchen." She shuddered opening her popcorn.

"Again? At this rate we'll be expecting another member of the Carter family." He muttered.

"Please don't put images in my mind." Imelda winced.

Owen shrugged checking himself out in front of their full wall mirror. "That's your problem not mine."

The WoodChester Hotel was much fancier than Imelda had anticipated. It was a large and tall castle like building with perfectly mowed grasses and tall bushes cut into various designs, colorful flowers sprouting form every corner.

The inside had marble tiled floors and fancy mural walls, big and bright chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. Antique jugs and vases stood in each corner a protective glass case around them, paintings hung on each side of the walls frames of gold and silver around them.

Imelda held unto Ryders hand and a butler chauffeured her and her family into a large dining hall. The hall had several long rows of tables and chairs each table was covered with a canary yellow lacy table cloth and plates and bowls of differ shapes and sizes were neatly arranged in them, the cutlery placed at the side, transparent wine glasses placed on a paper towel.

The parents were taken to the higher tables at the front of the hall while the teenagers were seated at the centre, a kind lady had taken Ryder over to a play area with a few other children where he was dotted over by a group of ladies in a white uniform. Turns out Ezekiel had nothing to worry about.

Imelda lost Owen a long time ago but she as certain he was at one of the other tables flirting with girls. So she was alone with a group of other teenagers who seemed to know each other.

She took out her phone to distract herself, she hated feeling left out.

She decided to text Rouge, she needed someone to vent to and so far he was one of the best listeners she knew.

I: Hey Rou

R: what's up bby💗 You eaten yet?

I: no not yet, im not home actually

R: why? Where are you?

I: WoodChester Hotel, my parents had some important meeting stuff ig

R: you're at WoodChester Hotel? Fr?

I: Yeah why?

R: I'm here too

I: really?

R: yeah, hang on I'm coming to get you, what you wearin?

I: Orange dress

R: say less

Imelda stared around the hall looking for any sign of Rouge. She spotted him a few seconds after, his hair was combed and falling over his face, his contacts were replaced with a pair of silver circular rimmed glasses shielding his grey eyes. He had a black dress shirt on with the sleeves messily rolled up and black dress pants paired with black and white Nike Air Force 1s giving the look a casual air.

His eyes literally lit up as he found her, he grinned at her as he made his way up to her table. She grabbed her white purse and stood up, her braids bouncing as she did so.

Rouge's jaw slacked as he took in her beauty, his cheeks warmed as her curves were even more visible in the fitted dress, a bit of her thick thighs were exposed making his imagination run wild.

"Fuck." He whispered.

Next update: nowww💗

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