Eric: "Look, nothing that happened that night was your fault at all. That dude was fucked up in the head and that isn't your fault at all. Yeah it could have ended horribly, but it didn't. I'm fine, i got a gnarly scar to show for it..." Becky smirks at him as he continues "...but the most important thing is that you were fine. He didn't lay a hand on you and that's the important thing." Becky blushes deep red as he finishes "Now stop blaming yourself for this and stop holding this in, if you are feeling something then tell me. That's kind of the whole reason I'm your boyfriend"

Becky is now wiping tears from her eyes and she is unable to speak and just nods at Eric

Eric: "Now there is just one more thing we have to do" Becky looks at him a little confused "We have to tell our boss". Becky gives him a "do we have to" kind of look and he responds "it will help you feel better and get over this"

Becky pulls out her phone and texts Hunter letting them know they need to meet with him before the show. She gets a text back almost instantly and she reads it

Becky: "Okay we have a meeting with Hunter before the show"

Eric: "Good. Now, that offer you gave me earlier about the champagne and getting frisky, is that still on the table?" He says smirking at her and she rolls his eyes at him

Becky: "You really are a dork you know that right?"

Eric: "But I'm YOUR idiot" he says as he sits next to her on the bed and wraps his arm around her as she leans into him

Becky: "Damn right lad"

*The next day*

Becky and Eric arrive at the arena and they make their way to where Hunters office usually is. Eric decided to dress up since he was meeting his boss

 Eric decided to dress up since he was meeting his boss

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(Imagine this without the stupid hat 😂)

Becky: "You know you didn't have to dress up to meet with him right? He might be your boss but he could care less honestly"

Eric: "Well maybe it just wanted to dress up for my woman for a change"

She rolls her eyes at him again as she takes a selfie with him to post later as she knocks on Hunter's door and he calls for them to enter

Hunter: "Becky, Eric, please sit down" and they do that and he takes his glasses off "So what can i do for the 2 of you?"

Eric: "Well, Becky has been struggling a little with what had happened that night and we had a heart to heart talk last night..."

Becky: "And part of it was me getting everything I've been holding in off of my chest. So i wanted to let you know that Eric and i are dating, and have been for about a month now"

Eric: "Wednesday will be a month yeah" he says agreeing with her

Hunter looks at them for a second

Hunter: "This is what you wanted to talk to me about?"

Eric: "Yeah we thought it would be beneficial for her to get it off her chest to you since you are her boss and she won't have to hold it in anymore"

Becky: "And i was going to put it on social media as well so i wanted to give you a heads up before hand"?

Hunter: "Well i appreciate it guys. Now i have a show to run so if you don't mind" he says pointing to the door

Eric: "Thank you for your time sir" Eric says as he stands up and Hunter says one more thing

Hunter: "You don't have to be so formal around me you know? Relax and get the stick out your ass"

Becky snorts and covers her mouth to keep from busting out laughing as they close the door behind her and she then falls on the floor laughing as hard as she can

Eric: "It wasn't that funny"

Becky: *trying to catch her breath as she stands up* "Oh yes it was. That was the greatest thing ever"

Eric: "Very funny" he says sarcastically "meet you at your locker room" he says knowing she has to get her makeup done before the show. She blows him a kiss and watches him walk off backstage

Becky: "Damn he does look good in that suit" she says as she bites her lip and makes her way to make up

Eric sits down on the couch in the locker room and is scrolling on his phone, until he gets a notification that Becky has made a post on Instagram and he goes over to look at it and read what she said

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Eric sits down on the couch in the locker room and is scrolling on his phone, until he gets a notification that Becky has made a post on Instagram and he goes over to look at it and read what she said

Eric sits down on the couch in the locker room and is scrolling on his phone, until he gets a notification that Becky has made a post on Instagram and he goes over to look at it and read what she said

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(Of course imagine Eric's in his suit standing next to her)

@beckylynchwwe: Alright, long winded post alert, but i wanted to get this out to the public. So something happened a month ago Wednesday and i have been keeping it to myself and a special someone noticed that me holding stuff in wasn't healthy for me, so that's why I'm doing this. @EricJohnson54 and i have not only been coworkers, but we have been officially dating for almost a month now. He had made me happier than i have been in a long time, he knows exactly what to do when i am not feeling myself to make me feel better, but most of all he would literally do anything to make sure i was safe. So now it looks like The Man has finally found herself The Man for her. #TheMansMan

Eric smiles at the post and can't believe all the nice things that she said about him. He likes the post and sees her fellows wrestlers already commenting on the post sending them their congratulations.

He makes a mental note to do something extra special for their anniversary coming up this week as he puts his phone up as Becky walks back into the locker room and smiles at him and he stands up and hugs her tightly and gives her a deep kiss full of passion


*DISCONTINUED* The Man's Bodyguard (Becky Lynch X OC)Where stories live. Discover now