New Years (Part 3)

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"New Year's Eve sounds great!" you smiled widely for exactly three seconds before your face fell. "Except I agreed to work a night shift in the ER."

"Oh," Rafael struggled to hide his disappointment.

"I'm sorry, I'd much rather have a first date with you than work but... I guess I made a commitment."

"No, it's alright, I understand." He may have understood the sentiment, but it didn't mean he had to be happy about it. Rafael had spent one too many years welcoming the new year alone on his couch or on a few occasions he had fallen asleep before the infamous ball drop in Time Square.

The two of you lay in an awkward naked silence, neither of you could think of what to say next.

You had barely known this charming lawyer for six hours but the thought of letting him spend New Year's alone was too much for you to bare. Maybe, just maybe you could have it all.

Taking a deep breath you started to voice your idea, but before you could utter a sound, Rafael had sprung off the bed. "Well it was nice... spending time with you," he mumbled with his back to you.

It was your turn to be disenchanted. He wanted you to leave. Of course, they never wanted you to stay. "I had a good time." Suddenly you felt angry, why had he given you hope just to have it batted away at the smallest hurdle. "You know what, before I get out of your life, can you tell me one thing?"

Rafael turned to find you standing, threadbare, hands on hips wearing an extremely disgruntled expression. "What's that?" he frowned.

"Why even bother asking me on a date if you didn't want to have one?"

"If memory serves, and I'm sure it will since this happened about 5 seconds ago, you're the one who said no to my offer."

"So you're willing to just throw away something potentially life changing on a rain check?"

For a moment, Rafael's expression was unreadable.

"You think you can change my life?" he asked.

"Anything's possible if you believe."

"Who works on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve anyway?"

"The sucker who is single, has no family and can't say no when her friends say they want to do something fun."

"Maybe we can change that."

"It's too late to change my shift, but if you're willing I have a thought about this year."

"I'm listening."

"The hospital is considered pretty high rise compared to the other buildings around it. And I happen to have the access code to the roof," you smiled and waggled your eyebrows knowingly.

"That...sounds nice," Rafael answered hesitantly, unsure about what you were getting at.

"Mr. Barba, I thought you'd be better at this deduction business."

"I'm an attorney not a detective."

You smirked, "well counselor, I'm asking you if you would like to join me, on the roof of the hospital, at midnight, on New Year's Eve, to watch the ball drop in Time Square. Wow, that sounded like a Clue accusation."

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