Always Defend You

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Rolling over in bed, your hand moved around the mattress searching for the warmth that radiated from your boyfriend's body. The warm body that you had grown so accustomed to snuggling against during the night was missing, leaving only cool sheets in its absence. Opening your eyes, you saw a sliver of light peeking through the door, you looked over at the clock on your nightstand, it read 1:30 am. "Surely Rafael couldn't still be working" You thought to yourself. The ADA said he would be headed to bed shortly after you decided to call it a night, but that was hours ago. Wrapping your arms around yourself to keep warm, you padded down the hallway towards the living room. Rafael was sitting on the couch, feet propped up on the coffee table, his sleeves rolled up to reveal muscular forearms. He had undone the top few buttons on his shirt and his tie was tossed aside and long forgotten, you could see a glint of gold from the cross necklace he wore underneath. Writing furiously on his legal pad, Rafael failed to hear you enter the room.

You stood quietly in front of him, waiting for your boyfriend to notice you. Rafael looked up and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw you. "Cariño, you scared me. I didn't know you were still awake." You went to go sit on the couch next to Rafael, laying your head on his shoulder, "I woke up when I saw you weren't in bed yet. Guess I just can't sleep without you by my side anymore." Rafael smiled and kissed your forehead before wrapping his arm around you. Nestling closer to your boyfriend, you inhaled deeply and took in the faint smell of his cologne. Smiling to yourself, you closed your eyes and thought back to when this beautiful sexy man entered into your life.

Amidst the chaos of a downtown coffee shop on a Thursday morning, he mistakenly grabbed your caramel macchiato while you had taken his americano. After a flirty debate over how your taste in coffee was too sweet while in your opinion, his coffee preference was far too bitter, you left the coffee shop with a phone number and a date. Now here you both were six months later, completely in enamored of one another. Rafael sighed as he looked down at the deposition in his hand. You ran your fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp, Rafael worked so hard and you hated seeing him so tense especially at home which was supposed to be his sanctuary away from all the stress. "Do you want to talk about it?" Leaning into your touch, Rafael shook his head. "Why don't you go back to bed mi amor? I'm going to be up for a little bit longer." Too tired to argue, you nodded your head and reluctantly went back to your bedroom.

You were sound asleep by the time Rafael crawled into bed and he left before you were even up in the morning. Rolling over in bed, you saw he had left you a note,

"Good Morning Hermosa. You looked so peaceful sleeping, I didn't have the heart to wake you. It's going to be another long day for me, I am so sorry mi amor. Don't wait up for me tonight. XO Raf"

Smiling at the note, you pulled yourself out of bed and got ready for the day.

Your heels clicked against the marble floor of One Hogan Place as you made your way to Rafael's office with coffee and bagels in hand. You suspected Rafael had not eaten this morning and decided to surprise him with the morning treat. "Good Morning Carmen," you said, handing her a cup of coffee. Carmen graciously accepted the cup, the two of you had become good friends over the past few months. "You're a lifesaver, thank you! He's alone if you want to head in."

"Thanks Carmen!" You smiled at her as you walked towards Rafael's office and softly knocked on the door before poking your head in. Your boyfriend was typing furiously on his computer, glasses practically sliding down the tip of his nose, his tongue poked out in concentration. His eyes were glued to his laptop as he talked "What is it Carmen? Is Buchanan here yet, he's early." You closed the door behind you, "Nope, he isn't here yet."

Rafael Barba Oneshots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant