"Do you want tea? Or anything to eat?" He kindly offers.


The bluntness of your response causes him to stop his travel to the kitchen and instead take a seat on the couch, you doing the same as far as possible.

It falls quiet between the two of you and you glance at the time, cursing yourself for coming this late.

But you can't blame yourself. The world is a cruel place, and what you're going through only make it worse.

So much more worse that you almost took your own life about fifteen minutes ago.

Through the quietness, you begin to think; can Kakashi help? Can he help in a way that doesn't involve killing him?

Because you don't want to murder this man.

"Hey," You start, still looking ahead and refusing eye contact. He hums in response and looks at your glossed over eyes as well as stiff posture.

"What would you do if all of humanity rested upon your shoulders... but all of humanity hates you?"

The male locks his muscles but immediately relaxes and loosens up, moving closer to you. In your peripheral vision, you can see him approaching you but allow it.

"I- I'm sorry for not coming back." You quickly change the subject, still looking ahead.

Kakashi gets right next to you and places his hand on your chin, making you look at him. When you do, the simple look in his eye is so sorrowful that you despise it— you loathe it. So, you remove his hand from your face and look down at your lap.

"I... I missed you, Y/N." His voice breaks and cracks throughout this statement, jolting your heart and making your throat tighten.

Please... please say those three words.

He wont.

He might...

You nod your head and look up at him with only your eyes, examining his lazily done hair and mask that covers his face. "Kakashi... I need-"

"You're crying, Y/N." He cuts you off, watching tears run down your face.

You've got to be fucking kidding me-

You wipe your face and shake your head. "Sorry, sorry I can't help it." You admit. He suddenly wraps his arm loosely around your waist and pulls you into him, something that causes the tears to stop altogether and the beating of your heart to slow down.

His touch is so warm. So, so comforting.

And you hate it.

You quickly move from that spot on the couch and turn around, taking a seat on the coffee table instead so you aren't touching him. This change in position makes him look at you a bit funny, but you stay still.

You hadn't realize how hard this would be. Somehow, you're supposed to make him fall in love with you, but you also need to make sure you don't fall in love with him.

Okay... I think I've officially chosen what to do with him.

I know.

You place your hand on his knee and catch his attention, offering him a smile... a smile he can tell is fake. The only reasoning he can tell that this smile
is fake is because it isn't as contagious as your real smile is. At least, not to him.

But your simple touch washes that away.

You slowly stand to your feet and drag your hand higher up his leg, stopping at his thigh and placing your other hand on his jawline. "I- I'm sorry for not coming back... I thought I was protecting everyone." You whisper, forcing your eyes to be wide and doe shaped.

In Another Life ➪ 𝘬. 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 [lemons]Where stories live. Discover now