Pool Party🌼

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It was the first week of summer and what is a better way to celebrate then throwing a pool party. You were known to throw the best pool parties, and everyone wanted to be invited but only your closest friends were invited to this one, and your boyfriend which has never been to one of your parties before.

You were so excited for him to come, you had just recently started dating during the school year and it wasn't good weather for one of your infamous pool parties back then.

Although you were excited you couldn't help but be a little nervous. Y/bf had never seen you in a swim suit before and the thought of him seeing you made you insecure.

You weren't exactly the skinniest girl in your friend group and you were terrified that maybe he would find them attractive instead.

The party was getting closer and closer so you decided to shake off the feeling and put on your new cute swimsuit that you bought online.

You started getting insecure so you threw on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts to cover up

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You started getting insecure so you threw on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts to cover up. You decide to start setting up for the party and head to your backyard.

Y/bff texts you saying she's here and decided to come help you with the party. She walks in wearing a beautiful black bikini and you start to get insecure again.

You try to ignore it and say hello but she can't tell something is off.

"Y/n what's wrong?" She says setting down her bag and towel and walking towards you.

You sigh, "I just wish I had your body and I'm scared y/bf might find me less attractive when he sees me in a swimsuit."

"Girlfriend you are gorgeous and if can't see that at the end of the day that is his problem not yours, now let's get ready for one of the best pool parties of the century." She says and helps me start decorating.

An hour passes and your friends start arriving. You see y/bf walk in and your stomach starts doing somersaults. He looks so good in his swim trunks. What if he thinks I look bad? You think to yourself.

He sees you and waves but you take off running inside the house. He frowns and goes after you.

You run up to your room and shut the door leaning against. You hear a knock on the door.

"Y/n can I come in?" You hear y/bf say worried.

"No. Go away." You say and slowly slide down to floor.

He sits on the floor back against the door. "Well then I'll talk to you from here."

"What's wrong? Why did you run from me?" He says with sadness in his voice probably thinking it's his fault.

"I don't want to talk about it." You say with your head in your hands.

"Y/n please talk to me I'm here for you." He says and you hear the knob jiggling. You decide to let him in and stop hiding.

He embraces you in a hug and strokes your hair to calm you down. "What's the matter baby?"

You sigh, "You've never seen me in a swimsuit before and I'm scared you won't like how I look."

He looks at you in shock "Baby, you think I would ever judge you for how you look? I would never. I love you and I love everything about you. From your head-" he kisses your forehead, "to your toes." He says and you smile.

Y'all had never said I love you before it was new to you but you could feel his love for you radiating from him.

"You- you love me?" You ask shyly and he nods. "Of course I do! How could I not? You're perfect." He says causing you to blush. Your insecurities fading away.

"I love you too y/bf." You say and wrap your arms around him. He wraps his arms around your waist and rubs your back.

"Are you ready to head back to the pool?" He questions and you hesitatingly nod, not wanting to let go.

He grabs your hand and leads you to the back door.

All your friends greet you once you walk out making you get excited.

"Who's ready for another infamous pool party?" You exclaim and they all cheer.

You take of your shirt and your shorts and glance at y/bf who's looking at you in awe.

He whispers in your ear, "Wow. You're absolutely beautiful."

You smile now distracted from the party.

He picks you up and starts walking towards the pool.

"What are you doing?" You question anxiously.

"It's a pool party at the host hasn't gotten in yet." He says and jumps into the pool still holding you in his arms.

You both come for air and are face to face.

You notice how attractive he looks with soaking west hair. He moves your hair from your face and cups your cheek, then, for the first time, he kisses you, and you kiss back.

You hear awes from your friends and pull away a blushing mess.

This is the best pool party yet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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