팔~ Where you from

Start from the beginning

*Oh, that's weird* I lied. *Ill definitely give you his number. And yeah he's okay, we are still, close.*

"Oh man, when am I gonna get there?" I said putting my head down.

*BEEP* "Watch it lady!"

"Driving, your supposed to be driving Yoora!" I said out loud, "Sorry!"

Author POV

After another 20 minutes of driving, Yoora finally made it to the lake.

It was very peaceful.

With the sun going down, and the light breeze, this was the perfect place to cool down at.

"Ah, beautiful." Yoora said to herself, slowly closing her eyes.

"Your right, it is." Someone said, making her jump.

"Oh, hi, uhm, who are you?" Yoora asked.

"I'm Yejun. Nice to meet you."

"Wow, it's cool to know someone who is also Korean." Yoora said.

"Haha, you don't know me." Yejun replied.

Yoora rolled her eyes.

"So, what's your name, and what brings you here?" Yejun asked.


"I thought you were Korean." Yejun said, suspecting that something was up.

"Well, I am, it's just that Summer is my international name."

"Oh." He said.

"And I came here to uh, cool off a little. I just got into an argument."

"Oh, with your boyfriend?" He asked.

"No..with my, uh, old, friend."

"Ahh, okay. Well this is one of the nicest places to cool off, if I do say so myself. I come here mostly everyday. But I never have visitors." He said in a deep tone.

"Oh, that's kinda sad. I guess." Yoora said.

The two remained silent, just staring at the sunset.


"Well Summer, I was wondering when you were gonna tell me your real name?"

Yoora's heart dropped.

"Umm, sorry, since I don't really know you I didn't wanna-"

"So you did lie. Hm. Okay."

"My name is, Yoora." She blurted out.

"Oo, I have never met someone with such a name. It's very beautiful."


"Your welcome." Yejun said with a smile.

His teeth were nice and straight.

Yoora could almost feel like she could trust him now.

But something was off...

"So, what's in that grocery bag?" Yoora's eyes were drawn to the bag on his lap, it was tied very tightly, and had a stench...but she couldn't figure out what it was.

"Oh this? It's just my lunch. I didn't finish it all. I usually don't." Yejun laughed.

"Oh, hahaha." Yoora laughed along.

"I guess this sunset has made me feel better." Yoora said

"Yeah, it always helps me out."

"Listen, Yoora, I'm so glad your here. I don't meet many people by sitting out here at this time."

"Aw, thanks. It's my pleasure. You have gotten my mind off of my troubles." Yoora smiled.


"So are you gonna drive me home or something?" Yoora asked annoyed.

"Ehh...I was getting there."

The two laughed; as they both headed back to his car.

Jungkook POV

"With what happened earlier on my mind, I have decided that I should watch what I say, and how I act." I told the boys.

"Woohoo, so very happy for you JK! We support you!" Taehyung said sarcastically.

"We have wanted this for you for forever!" RM said.

"Yeah, well I finally decided to listen!"

"Sadly not to everything we had to say." Jin said.

"Whatever, atleast I can get her back."

"Woah, woah, I think you have set your bar too, too high. She just 'professionally' slapped you. There is no coming back from that! Atleast not this quick!" Yoongi said.

"Yeah, I guess your right. She probably hates me now." I said scratching my head.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Jimin said.

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