♪ Introduction and Author's Note ♪

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This book is dedicated to myself and all of you LGBTQ+ allies and members. Mostly myself because I'm the one who wrote it. Anyway! This book may contain bad grammar and language because your author did not grow in English speaking countries and tends to curse a lot. Like, a whole lot. So please be aware! No, this book isn't clean.

Also, this book may have some kind of written scenes that may trigger the readers so you guys must watch and be cautious! These may include gore, blood, or murder for the matter, and may be mentions of self-harm, bullying, and some disorders.

Please be aware when reading! Thank you.

Also, updates are random, once I feel like it. I will try to write everyday, however, just so I can update maybe twice or at least once a week!

That is all, lovelies. Thank you for reading and be safe, for the world is no more.

School Of Secrets [(Hiatus)]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ