Chapter twelve:

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Another week passes and my work is going really well and Thomas spoke more this week but not as much as before. I sit watching the news just like how I have started doing recently. They seem to talk a lot about Zach Puissance and how he is helping the city but what interests me most about him is that nobody knows what he looks like.

There is never a photo of him shown and they mentioned how he has never made a public appearance and some people question him even being a real person. Today they are talking about his new plans with the area where I live.

"Zach has just released his plan for the east side of the city. He gave a statement today about how this will be a big project and therefore it needs big changes. He has started his big project with getting new owners of the buildings. The new owners are changing each of their rooms which means the former owners will be gone." the man in the navy blue suit continues.

"But why are you firing people who work well?" I complain at the screen even though they can't hear me to reply, when there is a knock at the door. I get up holding my chinese take away box staring at the screen till I arrive at the door.

I open it and it's the owner of my building. I look at him with sad eyes as his head hangs down looking at his feet.

"With these landowners gone how do you think it will improve April?" the man questions the woman on the television from the far side of my apartment.

"So you heard the news?" my landowner asks, finally looking up at me.

"I'm so sorry I really am. If there's any way I can help, let me know." I try to throw as much sympathy into it as possible as his eyes show pity as well which confuses me.

"No I'm sorry." His words puzzle me and as I go to speak he interrupts me. "With the new owners they want a complete remodel of the building which involves removing all the residents."

I feel my jaw drop. They are kicking me out. Where will I live? "I'm so sorry Amber Rose. if there was any way of getting out I would. I have tried everything to stop everyone getting kicked out but they won't budge." His bitty voice is laced with sorrow and defeat.

"No no. It's okay. It isn't your fault. Thank you." He looks down sadly as he walks away to the next apartment. It must be so hard for him to tell everyone. "Wait." he looks back at me. "Thank you for trying." He smiles at me softly as I close the door.

I run over to my bed falling down and crying into my pillow. I sob into the white cotton making it hard for me to breath properly. I have nowhere to go. I have nothing to live on. I don't know who to tell. The only place I have now is back in England, but what about everything here?

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