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"Congratulations, my son," the old man beamed happily as he walked over to embrace his victorious offspring, a proud glint in his eyes.

"I knew you would not disappoint me, Taehyung," the king declared, enveloping his son in a warm hug as he expressed his unwavering confidence in him.

Taehyung, however, maintained his composure, his expression stoic as he returned his father's embrace. Though his lips remained sealed, his eyes betrayed a hint of determination, shining with an intensity that belied the gravity of the moment.

"Father, I have won the war against the kingdom who dares to oppose you," Taehyung announced proudly, stepping back from his father's embrace to address him with a sense of accomplishment. The king, acknowledging his son's triumph with a paternal pat on the shoulder, retreated to his throne, a smile of satisfaction gracing his features.

"Ask, Taehyung. You can ask for whatever you want," the king offered generously, his smile widening as he extended an invitation for his son to make any request he desired. Taehyung returned the gesture with a sweet smile of his own before voicing his true intentions.

"I want you dead," he deadpanned, his expression unyielding as he bore his piercing gaze into the old man before him. The king's laughter rang out, initially dismissing his son's words as a jest. However, as the laughter died away and he observed Taehyung's unwavering resolve, a sense of unease crept over him.

"Stop joking, my son," the king implored, his tone tinged with concern as he placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder, searching his son's eyes for any sign of jest. Yet Taehyung remained unmoved, his gaze unwavering as he stared back at his father with a silent intensity that spoke volumes.

The older man's expression shifted abruptly to one of gravity and realization as he registered his son's silence. Slowly, he began to retreat, the weight of understanding settling heavily upon him as he comprehended the true meaning behind Taehyung's words. Meanwhile, Taehyung advanced towards him, his hands instinctively gravitating towards his scabbard where his silver sword lay sheathed.

"P-please, guards!! Catch him!" the king pleaded desperately, his voice trembling with fear as he called out to his loyal soldiers for aid. However, the guards remained motionless, rooted to the spot like statues despite their king's frantic cries for assistance.

"Tae-Taehyung, wait, we can resolve this," the king stammered, his voice tinged with panic as he stumbled backward, a look of dread crossing his features.

Before the king could finish his plea, he lost his footing and fell backwards, his body tumbling down the steps with a resounding crash. Taehyung, unmoved by his father's plight, whispered a chilling farewell before advancing with predatory steps.

As the king crawled back in terror, his face contorted with fear at the sight of his own son brandishing a weapon against him. With a dreadful scream of agony, he bore the brunt of Taehyung's relentless assault, the sound of flesh meeting steel filling the room as the silver sword pierced his flesh again and again

Blood spattered across Taehyung's face, the crimson droplets staining his once handsome features as he continued his frenzied attack. Each thrust of the sword was accompanied by a growl of rage, a manic grin twisting his lips as he exacted his vengeance upon the man who had failed to heed his warnings.

"You never listened to my pleas! Now die, you useless old man," Taehyung snarled, his voice dripping with contempt as he delivered the final blow. With a kick, he sent his father's lifeless body sprawling across the floor.

"Jung hoseok" Turning to his loyal companion, Jung Hoseok, Taehyung issued his commands with unwavering determination.

"You will be my general now and I will be the new king, announce it to the whole kingdom that Kim Taehyung as taken the rule" Hoseok, obedient as ever, nodded in understanding before departing to carry out his king's orders.

Seated upon the throne, Taehyung basked in the sensation of power and control, relishing in the knowledge that he was now the ruler of the kingdom. With ambition burning in his veins, he vowed to expand his dominion, to conquer all who dared to defy him.

As Kim Taehyung, the new king, gazed out upon his realm, he knew that his reign had only just begun. With the world at his feet and his enemies vanquished, he would stop at nothing to cement his legacy as the most formidable ruler the kingdom had ever known.

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