chapter 8

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Nobody's POV

A fight between two people is occurring in front of a movie theater, the fight involves Nightwing, who seems to he on the phone with Starfire. The person he is fighting is Blockbuster who is currently lobbing vehicles at Nightwing in an attempt to beat him, one ends up destroying the sign that hangs over the entrance of the Theater

Starfire: So are your way?

Dick: Yeah, babe, you can't believe the traffic.

???: It's Blockbuster!

As Blockbuster was throwing more vehicles at him, Nightwing was flipping over and dodging them in order to get close enough to start bombarding Blockbuster with attacks to his torso and head.

Starfire: Can't wait to see you. It's been weeks, Dick.

Blockbuster had fallen to his knees as Nightwing began to attack his lower back down to the back of his knees.

Starfire: I've almost forgotten what you feel like.

Dick: I'll remind-

Before he could finish his obvious sentence, he was punched by Blockbuster through a nearby construction site's wooden fence landing just near a wrecking ball. Starfire had given him a chuckle from his earlier line.

Starfire: It's....what's all that noise?

Dick: Construction.

Blockbuster had jumped after him and was about to punch where he was laying, only for Nightwing to roll out of the way before looking up at the Wrecking ball and getting an idea.

Dick: Hold on, I think I see an opening.

He threw a batarang at the cable attached to the wrecking ball, cuting it, and causing it to fall on top of Blockbuster knocking him out.

Dick: Yup, All Clear, Kori. I'll be at the tower in fi...

His phone started to ring, he looked at it and saw it was an alert from alfred.

Dick: Babe, you have no idea how sorry I am, but...

Starfire: But what about our-

Dick: got a family emergency. Nightwing out.

He ended his call with Starfire before hopping on his bike and taking off towards gotham.

Dick: Your timing really sucks, alfred.

In the bat cave

Alfred is on the bat computer taking care of Bruce Wayne's business duties.

Ms. Bannister: Well your trip to the rainforest seems ill-timed, Mr. Wayne. With the World Tech Summit coming up...

Alfred: It's Not for another week, Ms. Bannister. We're down here studying rare herbs that prove revolutionary for medical research.

When alfred speaks into the computer the board directors on the other side of the call hear the voice of Bruce Wayne, it's a quite a handy device for alfred to have incase Batman gets busy with his nightly duties.

Lucius: and earn millions for our pharmaceutical interest.

Ms. Bannister: All well and good. But why did you have to lead the team?

Alfred: because it's my company, and I can do whatever the bloody hell I want to.

Ms. Bannister: You still have to answer to this board, Mr. Wayne, and Frankly-

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