chapter 4

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(Do to my late upload, I will be trying to upload three chapters today)

Nobody's POV

At the asylum we see a conversation only for one of them have a bullet go through his head, and for Black Mask's men to walk up to the scene.

???: Sorry, schedule to keep.

Guard: you didn't have to kill him.

He said this as he left the little room that separated them with a pane of Bullet proof glass.

???: One, yes, I did. Two, we're paying you a ton. So, three, shut your gob and open the damn door.

The guard made an audible noise of annoyance before signaling his buddy to unblock the donor's lock, and shortly as they heard the noise that confirmed it he put in a code on the keypad next to the door and unlocked it. The men start walking down the stairs that were on the other side of the door.

???: Does he know what's going on?

Guard: He knows he's Leaving.

The men went ahead and started to approach a similar cell as they heard the joker's voice.

Joker: It's gonna be a sleep over, right? I packed my toothbrush.

He was peering through the small window of bulletproof glass at them with a big and creepy smile.

At Wayne manner

At the manners grave yard we can hear the loud noises of a crane digging something up, it was digging up a grave, one that was labeled with the name Y/N Todd and the words Ally & Friend. Bruce had managed to get all the way to the coffins that held Y/N Todd, atleast that's what he thought. Bruce hopped off and grabbed the crowbar on the side of the crane.

Alfred: Do you need more light, sir?

Bruce: No. I can see fine.

Bruce then hopped down into the hole and held up the crowbar, getting ready to open the coffin, he seemed to think for a second before slamming the crowbar inbetween the life and the base of the coffin. He pried it enough to the point to were he was able to rip the rest of it off with no problem. When they saw the inside of the Coffin, there was Y/N Todd's dead body laying down in it.

Alfred: Well, there you have it. He's still at rest.

Bruce: No, he isn't.

He then grabs the body only for some kind of wig to fall off in the process.

Bruce: That's not flesh.

Bruce dropped the fake body and went to the bat cave as quick as possible with Alfred following after him.

Alfred: Master Bruce, you can't blame yourself, you--

Bruce: It was stupid and careless, the body was made of high-end latex, if I'd bothered to look inside when I brought him home.

He went into a room that closed before Alfred could get in.

Alfred: Sir, please, remember how distraught you were. Even I found it hard--

Bruce opened the door to be shown in his Batman suit

Bruce: Stupid and careless

Bruce then began to walk away as he put his cowl on.

Alfred: where are you going?

Bruce: To talk to the man who did this.

He was going to the batwing.

The Deaths We Carry (Male Red Hood Reader x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now