chapter 3

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(I'm to lazy to make titles for rhe chapters)


I am on a rooftop of a building across the club of one of my main profit getters as a see a purple car crash through the front of it, followed by gunshots and screaming.

Y/N: Hm. Cute.

I saw a couple of guys dragging Tyler Bramford down the alley and threw him against a car, they got decent muscle  to throw an overweight man into a car atleast 6 feet infront of yea.

Tyler: do you know who... who your messing with?

??? Yeah, Tyler Bramford.

???: Your a club owner and some big damned drug dealer in the East Quarter, right?

Tyler: I am the East Quarter drug trade, you stupid bags of--

He shut up when a .38 revolver was pointed at his his head.

???: Manners, fatty. I don't care who takes care of you. You watch your mouth.

Tyler: Well- Then you know who's got my back. You know who I answer to.

???: Sure, the Red Hood.

This is where I pull out my 9mm pistol as the man pulls out a makeshift molotov, probably made it on his way out of the club, while also pulling out a lighter.

???: And we work for the man who's gonna take back what's his. So at the expense of your very wide butt...

He set the rag of the molotov on fire.

???: We're sending your boss a message.

Tyler began to grow a face of fear as the man raised the bottle, only for me to shatter it and cause him to be set on fire after I shot it. The man's screams could be heard down the block, if there was anyone who could hear it.

Y/N: Okay.

I dropped down pulling out my second 9mm pistol as I landed on the care crushing the roof of it.

Y/N: What's the message?

The man ran away as I head someone land on the ground nearby.

???: A simple one, actually.

Said a feminine voice as I looked over to my left to see Black Masks 4 assassin's, my plan is working out perfectly, and I will have stall them until Batman gets here.

???: want to guess what it might be?

They all ran towards me as their weapons activate, I got to get myself one of those Katana's later.

Y/N: I have a few ideas.

Tyler ran for it as I started to unload my first set of clips at them, making them block and slice them as they ran towards me, the lady with two Katanas, that seem to be covered in some kind of laser coat on its blade, leaped at me and tried to stab me, only for me to dodge and for her to stab the roof of the car instead.

I had jumped around her and shot at her, after reloading my guns while dodging, as I saw the brute and the man with a bow staff run towards me. I ran in the direction of the man with the bow staff and dodged under it as the swung before flipping back around and  firing at him before I rolled under another one of his swings, reloading in the process and kicking him in the head as I stood up.

The last tried to surprise attack me, but I ducked under it, and firing one round in the direction she went in before I jump over another swing of the bow staff guy and jumped off his back backing up as I dodged constant swings from the two, until I jumped onto the fire escape.

The Deaths We Carry (Male Red Hood Reader x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now