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Warning: This chapter contains sexual assault content

The walk was long, and you were barely managing to keep up. The only light allowing you to see was coming from the moon and the occasional solar panel streetlights. Your whole body was sore, and your mind was drifting in and out as you followed him from several feet away, he didn't even bother to turn or wait for you anymore. The only reason you continued to walk was the promise you made and the chance to apologize. If you were going to have to fight anymore Nomu, you would probably fail regardless of the tier, and you had mentally prepared yourself for that type of excruciating ending, so he would have a chance of running away while they tore you apart. Until then, you forced one foot in front of the other even when you stumbled or fell to the ground.

Fortunate for you, but unfortunate for him, he started to slow down too and you could tell his leg was bothering him, by the way he was trying to discreetly limp on it.

After a while of being within a few feet of him again, he abruptly stopped at a clearing between the woods and the city. You looked up to see his wide-eyed panicked expression before noticing his breath hitched and his body tense.

"Katsuki?" You nervously asked as you looked in the same direction as he did, hoping to see what was causing him to panic.

"Kamino ward." You read the sign that welcomed travelers into the area, but it wasn't the sign that had his attention.

It was the man standing next to the sign and your body tensed at the sight of him too. His skin was burnt and stapled together, but his eyes were a beautiful bright blue that held bad intentions along with his sadistic smirk.

"Jeez, who left you in the toaster too long?" You unintentionally said aloud.

"Ah, sorry! I talk before thinking sometimes... Katsuki, do you know this guy?" You asked to recover your comment if he was friendly.

Katsuki and the man were intently glaring at each other, giving you the indication that the man was not a friend. You tensed up as best as you could and stepped between them with your hand around your katana handle; ready to use it at any moment.

"Listen, Burnt Toast, we're not interested in whatever you're trying to do. If you move, I'll attack you. Otherwise, we're leaving." You sternly said before grabbing Katsuki's jacket sleeve to pull him along.

"I don't think so, Princess." The man calmly stated as he stepped forward.

You stopped and drew your katana with gritted teeth and an angry expression. At the same time, Katsuki grabbed your wrist to pull you closer to him. Quickly, he raised his free arm past your body, holding it out and ready to release an explosion if necessary.

"Katsuki, don't. There might be higher-tiered Nomu in the area. I can't take them and him on, in my condition." You whispered, and he clutched onto you tighter with a growl of frustration.

"Your UA boyfriend set off a few explosions at my shelter a while ago. You see, it really pissed me off. Not only did he stop me from having my way with his pink-haired friend, but he got my friend, Twice, killed. We had to find a new home too, so he owes me." The man started to walk closer with smirk growing wilder.

"He doesn't owe you shit. You attacked him and his friends. I swear if you take another step, I won't hesitate to kill you." You said as calmly as you could but knew he could tell you were lying.

You couldn't kill another living person. It was against your nature. Life is essential even if you're facing a villain.

I know I won't win, and I know I can't kill a living person. I don't even know his quirk. The best plan is to make us invisible and run.

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