〖️Hoyoung × Gyehyeon〗️⁴⁸

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Request By:cutie_winter

Hoyoung came to the entrance of his school building as Gyehyeon start to pushed him away. "Coward!!"

"Look yourself in the mirror bitch.." Hoyoung said as Gyehyeon start to pissed off.

The two of them are now fighting by punching each others face making one of the student called the Principal and they are now inside the Principal office.

"Both of you.. could never be together.. who start it first?"

"Miss.. the person next to me always done this.. i was just arrived and he start to talk shit about me.."

"Hey! You are the one!"

"Silent! I want you both to seat outside now!" Both Hoyoung and Gyehyeon glare at each others one they seat beside each others.

"Pff.. weak" Hoyoung as start to chuckled.

Gyehyeon was still mad at him as he hold Hoyoung hands making himself shocked. "What the fuck?!"

Gyehyeon had a struggle to let himself go from Hoyoung hands as Hoyoung pulled him closer. "Shhh~ stay with me"

Gyehyeon was a bit disgusted about it as Hoyoung put his head on his shoulder making Gyehyeon flinch. Hoyoung fall asleep as Gyehyeon was a bit scared knowing his hand was stick on Hoyoung's.

Gyehyeon suddenly blushed but still mad about it as he become a grumpy cats judging all people walk in front of them.


Thank You For Requesting ♡️ Hope you like it and its too short sorry

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