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Promise: Park Jimin.

"Only the murky sky witnessed their promise."

Sitting at the stairs in front of his house... he was ogling at the dark street.... It was still... silence... the deafening silence... not even cicadas could be heard screeching... the cool breeze brushing against his skin giving him goosebumps... leaving the moist smell of soil into his nostrils as he breathed...more precisely sighed... it was pouring... the moon trying its best to scream its existence but the clouds contained it... she just sat there admiring him secretly.... Just the way he was peaceful and silent... just the way he preferred... but there was an unknown ache spreading through his chest... a weird feeling of longing.... Angst? Agony? He couldn't put a finger on the right term to be used... but then again... who was there to listen... it didn't even mattered... he tried to see through the dark... his pupils dilating hiding his irises... but what can you see when there is nothing to see... he still kept looking for something in the void... something he had lost long ago.... Something he doesn't even remembers....

While he was drilling holes into nowhere with his eyes, he felt a presence. Someone sat beside him; he knew who it was.... How can he not know.... Her scent... a scent he could recognize even after centuries would have passed..... He turned his head towards her.... But he dared not to lift his eyes, for if he did; his eyes wouldn't have been able to contain the dams he's been holding for so long. She knew how to handle him in his vulnerable moments.... She knew he was hurting ... and she was also aware that the cause of his pain was none other than herself.... But what could she do when left in the hands of fate... she was as helpless as he was..... But she couldn't rest in peace seeing him in misery.... So she came for the one last time.... She placed her hand on his hand... only then he lifted his head looking into her eyes..... A tear came rolling down his cheek..... She could only smile in helplessness.....

"You know it hurts seeing you like this." She muttered struggling to hide the crack in her voice.

"Where did it go wrong?" he just thought looking at her; words tied in his voice box.

"I know you are hurting, you are sad. You miss me right?" she smiled with glossy eyes; "It's my entire fault, right? I'm the cause of all this misery you are going through right?" she sighed at the end.

And all he could do was immerse himself in her presence, her scent.... Her utter existence he longed for...... he revised each and every feature sculpted on her face.... Her sanpaku-doe-eyes, her straight nose bridge, and her lips.... The lips that bounced off each other to pronounce words of comfort..... He was lost there..... He leaned in and rested his forehead on her shoulder....and slowly his head landed in her lap.... She threaded her fingers in his hair.....

"I want you to be happy; I want you to move on. I want you to live on and be really happy." She managed to say in her silent tearless sobs.

"But I want it all back, I want it all with you", he finally spoke; "Don't you miss me? Don't you miss 'us'?" he asked now facing up. "What about you? Okay! I'll move on, but what about you? Will you be okay with it?" he whispered now looking in her eyes stressing on the word 'you'.

"If I say I'll be fine..... It'll be a lie right!" she sighed oblivious of the tear that betrayed her and rolled down her cheek. "But as long as I know that you are happy, I'll find peace." The sky now contained its tears but groaned with the ache it felt for them with a hint of lightening.

"But without you; I can't imagine a life, let alone being happy. Why did you leave me? Why do you wanna leave me alone here, take me with you. I won't live without you." He now started begging and crying like a child. Her heart ached. She couldn't do anything. She was bound by the fate. She had to leave. So she did what she could. She took his hand and curled her pinky around his, "Promise me you'll find happiness. Promise me you'll survive and make something of your life." She then made him face herself, pinkies still crossed, "Promise me you won't throw away yourself, promise me you won't throw away your precious life."

Now the both were miserably crying, hugging each other..... "Promise me you would remember this promise forever, until we finally unite." She whispered and faded away in thin air, to which he tried hugging her tighter trying to pause the moment, but all he had was nothing....... She was gone...... and he was left with a promise to fulfil and a life to live........

"A promise: only the murky sky witnessed."



You can read it further on how I created this story in the A/N in next part...

Can you guess who "she" is?
a) his mother
b) his sister
c) his friend
d) his love/spouse

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