Clouded Fate Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

"Tristan! Back off! It's not worth it!" Jon said as he pushed Tristan's chest with his right hand, while Wesley was in front of Cody trying to distract him away from Tristan.

"I don't think so! We're never like this you guys! Come on! Snap out of it! We're supposed to be the Misfit Family, trust each other but no one else!" Wesley reminded Tristan and Cody about the family bond that we all have, even though it is a fact that we trust each other as brothers with Caitlin as the only sister, trusting no one else is what we all know and that's that.

"Sure we are! I just hope that Cody can get his mouth caged and never talk again! Just sewing it up until he groans in peer pressure and pain!" Tristan said but blinked a few times until he realized what he just said, he quickly placed his left hand over his mouth as if he just noticed how harsh, dark and serious he sounded, as that moment had passed everyone started looking at each other as the room got silent, everyone was quiet, standing in a small circle as Tristan looked down and tried to recollect his thoughts.

The bedroom door slammed open as everyone screamed like little girls except for Luther and I, Jon jumped into Wesley's arms as both of them have their eyes closed and continued to scream, Tristan just screamed and walked in a circle to look away from the door, as Cody starred at the door in horror and confusion of what had came out of the bedroom door.

"Jesus why are you boys screaming? It took me a while to find any useful medical kits to help Nick... my god you all sound like girls..." Caitlin said as she walked in with a bag of items and set them on my desk.

Jon and Wesley looked at each other in an awkward silence then they both looked away, Wesley quickly let go of Jon as Tristan is still spinning a circle and with his eyes closed, unaware that it is just Caitlin trying to find the right medical items to treat the wound on my chest, while Luther knelt by my bed and by my side I'm not entirely sure what is going through his mind right now.

"He's still losing blood, Caitlin, toss me the Celox A packet!" Luther mentioned as Caitlin quickly found it on the side of the kit as she tossed the Celox A packet, he ripped off the top seal, removed the two sections inside of the packet, got out the plunger and got the granules out, took the cap off that allows the plant to go in as he took the blue cap off the bottom, then took the plunger with the smaller end, next Luther is trying to use the item at the center of the wound, literally as he pressed it into my chest, the pain felt like it was making me shake and he carefully dug a bit deeper which made me clench my teeth together, as I tried to hold in a scream but instead I was groaning loud in a lot of pain, the force that Luther was using wasn't like his entire body weight but enough to puncture the skin, instead of my ribs, upper body organs or even my heart, he then waited for three minutes as I kept on groaning in pain until I was able to shriek and my body kept on shuddering. Now, Luther had carefully removed the item from my chest and placed a hand on the wound, again, waiting for another three minutes, whatever what Luther was doing he put on a normal pressure dressing, he did this for about almost ten times to cover each letter on my chest and so this lasted for like... thirty minutes or an hour until Luther requested Jon to grab the wrapper around my chest.

"I hate hearing him scream in pain..." Caitlin mentioned as she has fingers in her ears and turned away to not see what is happening to her brother.

"What did you do to him, Luther?" Jon asked.

"The Celox A packet, used to help gunshot bullets or anything to stop the internal bleeding, my grandfather passed his doctor medical treatment techniques to my dad and then he taught me everything when I turned nine. My grandfather was a survivor in World War Two, when he was just nine, he was able to teach me everything to nurture everyone in the family back to health, he then grew up to become a surgeon and a doctor until his passing. So... ha ha! I beat you Cody!" Luther explained as he wrapped the bandage around the letters, carefully turned me on my stomach and I didn't feel anything but something hot right there keeps on burning.

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