Mr sincere apology

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Mijin-Useless bastard! How dare you ask for money when you couldn't even do the easiest task? Forget it!


Mijin ended the call the right away

Mijin-Aish darn it. Everyone is just useless!

She cursed under her breath. Mijin climbed down the stairs to the kitchen. She came across Eunji who coincidently there to drink a glass of water

Mijin-What with your surprise face? It's your mom
Eunji-Nn.., nothing. I was just flustered

She stuttered

Mijin-It is so hard to see you although we are living under the same roof. Why are you avoiding me?
Eunji-Nn.., no I'm not. Why would I?
Mijin-Perhaps you did something wrong? To me
Eunji-What are you talking about mom? I don't understand

Mijin smirked

Mijin-You are so good playing saint. You think I'm stupid? The one who turned off the lights, it was you right?
Eunji-So you know?
Mijin-Unbelievable. How dare you act innocent in front of me?
Eunji-Aren't you supposed to thank me? I just stopped you from being a murderer


Mijin slapped Eunji

Mijin-Look who is speaking?
Eunji-Mom, it hurts!

Eunji cried when Mijin grabbed her hair

Mijin-You are the one who should be thankful towards me. If I haven't started all this, do you think Baekhyun would ever look at you?
Eunji-Mom, let me go please... I'm sorry
Mijin-You should kneel before me, thanking me that you are my daughter. Only if you are not, you might be the first one to die before anyone else

Mijin let her go roughly. Eunji stumbled into the chair and fell down. Her forehead hit the sharp edge, bleeding

Mijin-Ungrateful kid

Mijin mocked before she strolled out through the back door

Eunji sobbed quietly. She wiped off the blood stain with her hand, but the red liquid didn't stop squiggling out

Suddenly someone extended his hand to Eunji. She looked up

Baekhyun-Can you get up?


Baekhyun-It hurts? I'm sorry

Baekhyun put the ointment on Eunji's forehead more gently this time

Eunji-Baekhyun, just now...
Baekhyun-I saw and heard everything. How could mom... Damn it

Eunji bit her lip

Baekhyun-But.., you did the right thing
Baekhyun-You stopped your mother before she became a murderer. You saved your sister's life, and perhaps everyone who was in the hall too. You did the right thing, my wife

Eunji-Wh.., what did you say?
Baekhyun-You did the right thing
Eunji-No, not that one

Baekhyun chuckled

Baekhyun-My wife. You are my wife Jung Eunji. Are you not?
Eunji-I am. I am your wife Byun Baekhyun

Eunji blushed hard. Baekhyun laughed because Eunji looked so cute when she was shy. Her cheeks were as red as cherry

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