Give Sunny a break challenge

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I got the idea from EmJ_da_weirdo

3rd person pov
It was a saturday morning when Kel had an idea, so he woke up the others not including Sunny. Kel woke Mari first, to be surprised by something unexpected. "WAKE UP!!" "I'm up I'm up." "Wtf man." Kel had his jaw dropping. He even thought it would fall off. He quickly told them to go to the living room and wait for him.

He then went for Aubrey, shaking her abruptly. "WTF KEL!!" He told her to stay in the living room and wait for him and Basil and then headed off for Basil.

He shook Basil, hoping to not wake up Sunny. "Hey Ke-" Basil then has his mouth covered by Kel abruptly. Kel shushed him and they went into the living room downstairs.

Kel then explained giving Sunny a break since they've been going through so much drama throughout the time, so they want to give Sunny a break. They always seem to have time, but Sunny is always working his ass off, so he needs a break.

They went and made breakfast, cleaned the house and just relaxed waiting for Sunny.

Sunny came downstairs and saw breakfast already made and the house clean. "W-why did you guys d-do this?" Sunny started tearing up, but happy tears.

"There has been so much drama, so we wanted to give you a break since you already work so hard!"

Sunny cried a bit harder and hugged them. "Thanks you guys! Couldn't ask for a better family!"

So that's how their day went. They hung out, relaxed, and did other things with their friends.

[A/n short chapter today. Sorry for not updating for awhile. I got a new phone over the weekend and I have a school concert. There has also been staar testing that I gladly don't need to do. Have a good day!]

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