Sunny you're doing what- pt. 2

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Sunny pov
10:10 am
I started getting in the car full of me and my mother's luggage: though most of it belongs to her. Most of the car ride was quiet. How I like it. My mom would try speaking to me, but I would just zone out, gazing out the window as trees fly by.
We arrive at Faraway, at our old house. Same backyard with the treehouse, same staircase, same bathroom- you get the point. I said goodbye to my mom as I run out and through the door to go see Kel next door. I knocked on the door, waiting for a response. I hear the lock make a clicking noise as the door was opened. I saw Kel in the doorway, and he stared back at me. It seemed like it took him a minute to process what's going on(rly giving off some dumbass energy Kel-) because he looked at me, studying my face and clothes for a good 10 seconds when he realized who I was. "Hey Sunny!! You're back!!" "I am. Hopefully for good." I said in a quiet tone. Kel gently grabbed and pulled me inside, making me a bit startled by sudden touch and movement. I was dragged to see Sally crying, Kel's mom trying to cslm her, and Kel's dad nowhere in sight. Me and Kel go to his room and hangout. After a few minutes, we had gotten a little tired and went to sleep on Kel's bed, cuddling close. We had been napping for about 1-2 hours I think before we were awoken by some slightly aggressive knocking. Take a wild guess who it was. It was Aubrey. And Basil was next to her.
I was still slightly tired, and half asleep on Kel's shoulder. Kel was holding me to keep me from falling. We all went inside and headed to Kel's room. We talked about life as I rested my head on Kel's shoulder. Aubrey was obviously taking a picture, but I was to tired to deal with her shit. I was startled to here the sudden vibration from my pocket and ringtone. I saw my mom's picture on the screen and answered her call. She wanted me to come back home to do a few chores. I told my friends and left them staring at me walking through the door and going down the staircase leading towards the door. On my way home, I thought I saw something, which I think I did due to how mentally stable I am, and just walk back home at a slightly quicker pace. I walk in to see the living room has already been set up and assumed all the rooms were decorated with all our stuff. After I did my chores, I hung out in my room, laying on top of the bed and played video games for a while, just until dinner was ready. I ate a quarter of my steak and drank half a glass of water, then I went to sleep.

[A/n hello yes it me again probably going to do a part 3 when I'm not tired. I should probably get some sleep, but I'm not :)]

Omori chatfic and story[DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora