"The Maverick" and Angel kissed lol

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3rd person pov
Aubrey was with her group of hooligans teasing Angel and "the Maverick" when her phone suddenly started vibrating. She walked to the other side of the area she was in away from the hooligans.

Meanwhile with the hooligans, Kim started chanting, "kiss" and everyone joined in with her when Angel was generally scared about 1. Their mental stability and 2. What was going to happen between the two. Vance got tired of the chanting and knowing Angel was the lightest, pushed him against "the Maverick" and kinda made them kiss; but they still kissed. Kim yelled kinda- no- VERY loud "they kissed!" Aubrey took note of that and said goodbye to her friends in the chat and ran over. Meanwhile with Kel, he was in the park and heard Kim yell "they kissed" and knew what she ment and was wheezing his ass off to where people within the park were wondering if he was ok.

Again with the hooligans, Aubrey ran over to see Mikheal(I'm calling him that for now bc I'm tired of saying "the Maverick") and Angel were blushing as pink as her hair. Mikheal finally got the guts to kiss Angel himself and- you know- kissed Angel. Angel was shocked at the sudden touch of Mikheal, but leaned deeper into the kiss.

Aubrey took a picture really quick so they wouldn't know and showed Kim and she stifled her laugh; knowing Aubrey is going to show someone or them that picture.

Mikheal and Angel were really embarrassed to kiss in front of their friends, but they knew they supported them. They(Angel and Mikheal) went to go talk about what they were now after that moment they had. After about 13 minutes, they declared they were dating.

Aubrey was happy for them, so she wanted to celebrate them getting together at Gino's Pizza. They all walked out to see Kel walking away from the park and Aubrey called for him. Kel turned his head and saw Aubrey and her gang. He noticed something was off. And, of course, it was obvious. "Sooooo... are Angel and Mikheal dating?" "Yeah... also, doesn't Mikeal not liked to be called that?" Mikeal spoke up. "I'm changing my name back to Mikheal: my real name." Everyone was suprised at this, but didn't care. It was better to just say Mikheal than, "the Maverick".

They all headed to Gino's and saw Sunny and... someone completely white with colored clothing???

Anyway, they saw them on their way to Gino's and stopped to say hi. Aubrey and Kel froze when they saw the girl's face. It was Mari. They instantly ran up to Mari to hug her. Mari saw their faces and had a soft, sad smile. They were crying, but she was still happy to see them. Sunny took a glance at them and Mari knew he felt guilty. His face really showed: even if his face is usually "cliff-faced", he has been showing more emotion.

Sunny looked away and stared at the trees that swayed in the wind. Mari took Kel and Aubrey off of her; even though she didn't want to. They wiped their tears as they watched Mari go up to Sunny. Sunny jumped slightly at Mari's sudden touch. She placed a hand on his shoulder. He felt tears forming at his eyes, but didn't want them to fall.

He then gently took Mari's hand off his shoulder and ran. Where? Home. He ran home. Mari ran after him: even if he was faster than her. Everyone ran after Sunny as Sunny ran and placed a hand on the doorknob, turned the handle and instantly closed the door and ran to his room.

Mari welcomed them inside, but told them not to go to Sunny's room. She was going to take care of whatever Sunny is doing. She walked up the stairs and heard the creaking of each step she took. She then stood in front of Sunny's room and gently placed her ear onto the door to see if she could hear something.

She heard her brother's shaky breathing and knocked on the door. "Sunny? You ok?" No answer. "Sunny? I'm getting worried." Still no answer. She bust open the door to see Sunny on the floor: shaking and crying. Beside him was a bloody knife. She was shocked and ran up to her little brother. She hugged him from behind and Sunny grabbed her arms. They had stayed like this foe awhile until Mari let go. She grabbed Sunny's arms and let out a small gasp. He made deep, thin cuts on his arms.

She saw he had bandages on his legs and took those off as well. She grabbed a medkit that was in the corner of his room and grabbed a few rolls of bandages. She first cleaned the wounds and then wrapped his arms with the bandages. She then wrapped his legs with bandages and then she closed the medkit. She already knew about his wounds on his stomach, but didn't say anything. She knew it would only make it worse.

They went downstairs(don't push her again Sunny jkjk) and Mari ordered pizza. A few minutes later, they heard knocking on the door(Ayo the pizza here-). Sunny grabbed the pizza so it wouldn't be weird a half-ghost/pale woman would be grabbing pizza.

He payed the pizza man and closed the door. Basil and Hero came in a few minutes later and sat down with everyone to have pizza. Sunny felt a chill go down his spine, but ignored it so he would spend time with his friends and family.

[A/n Mikheal and Angel are dating now :)]

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