Sunny you're doing what- pt. 1

702 6 4

9:27 am

Kel: hey Sunny

Sunny: morning

Kel: wyd?

Sunny: txting u


Kel: tru

Sunny: I actually hav some good news

Kel: oooo what's up?

Sunny: I'm moving back to Faraway:)

Kel: :000000000000

Kel: YOU ARE?!?!?!

Kel: what day?!

Sunny: ... tomorrow

Kel: cool i wanna hang out as soom as possible :)

Sunny: my mom's doing the unpacking, so I can hangout w u

Kel: see u tmrw then :)

Sunny: k

Kel is offline

9:40 am

Sunny protection squad

Sunny: good news

Basil: ?

Aubrey: ?

Hero: ?

Sunny: I'm moving back 2 Faraway

Basil: when?

Sunny: tomorrow

Aubrey: cool!

Basil: can't wait 2 see u

Aubrey: yea we'll be watching u and Kel

Basil: 😏😏😏

Sunny: >/////<

Sunny: shut uuuuuup

Basil: nope

Aubrey: >:)

Sunny: :')

Aubrey: wait dont cry-

Basil: yea what she said

Sunny: thx for the mental note

Sunny: anyways, i gotta go

Aubrey: k see u

Basil: bye Sunny :)

Hero: bye

Sunny is offline
Aubrey is offline
Basil is offline
Hero is offline

[A/n sry it's short. I will make a part 2 and post it asap :)]

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