Chapter 36: Batalla

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A/n: Thank you for waiting~❤️

You tilted your head as you placed a hand over your wound. Snipe had a gun in hand, smoke gently drifting to the side. The wound disappeared quickly.

"(Y/n) is immortal with her healing powers." All for One grinned as you moved forward once again.

"But she has weaknesses too." Your grandfather made the temperature drop and you stopped moving.

"'re right about that." All for One heated up the temperature. "Attack."

You rushed forward, dodging and attacking them with dull, glowing eyes. Your grandfather grabbed the back of your neck and slammed you face-first into the ground. You grabbed his hand and held it as hard as you could before levitating him.

He raised your head and then smashed your face back into the ground. Blood was smeared over your face. You caught your grandfather off guard when you slammed him against the ground.

You wiped your face and continued to attack the others. A helicopter flew above you, a news reporter was yelling as she spoke to the camera.

Ochako slid the door open, entering inside with a basket. Katsuki was asleep and Shoto was eating. Izuku was awake, staring out the window.

"Hey Deku, I decided to visit." She placed the basket on the table beside him. "You've been out of it lately."

"(Y/n) is out there, being forced to work for All for One. I wish I could've done more..."

"I know, but we can't do anything about it. We don't have classes since they're repairing the school but..." She moved her gaze into her hands. "It's lonely without (Y/n)."

"Yeah." Izuku gazed at Ochako before turning to Shoto.

Shoto shrugged so Izuku cleared his throat, gaining Ochako's attention.

"What is it?"

"Uraraka, you."

She stared dumbfounded at Izuku before becoming flustered. "Y-you do?! I...don't know what to say!"

"It's fine."

"Well...sorry Deku, I used to like you but..."

Izuku's eyes widened while Katsuki sat up, pulling the eye mask off.

"I like (Y/n)." She repeated, staring at Izuku intently. "She's changed me."

"Hah?! Here I thought there would be less competition!! Dammit!!" Katsuki threw the eye mask on the floor.

"Sorry Deku, but my heart belongs to (Y/n)."

Izuku was frozen in place, processing it. "Uraraka...I was trying to get over (Y/n) for a long time and I decided to confess to you but..."

"Sorry Deku-"

"No, it's fine. Now I have to try my best to defeat you, Kacchan, Todoroki-Kun, and Shinso-Kun."

"Those are my rivals, huh?" A determined grin stretched into her lips. "(Y/n) is mine."

"The hell she's not!!" Katsuki stomped out of his bed and marched over to Ochako. "I called dibs on her first!"

"It doesn't matter if you call dibs on her." Ochako stuck her tongue out at Katsuki. "I'm taking your place."

Katsuki growled under his breath, muttering threats and swears.

"Would you like to watch the news?" The nurse had come in. "It seems there is quite a breaking news."

Shoto pressed the ON button on the control.

Golden •Hispanic/Latina!Fem!Reader x Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto•✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat