Slowly But Surely

Start from the beginning

Nonetheless I happily drank it. I couldn't over think it as it was his favourite as well.

"I have to go to work today-"

"You don't return to work for another month. You put time in just before Elora was born" I said simply as I drank me tea and ate.

"Of course I did" he sighed as he poured his own tea and made his own plate of food before sitting across from me at the table.

We ate in silence. The only sound in the room was Elora's cooing and baby noises. Every so often you would hear the metal cutlery clash against the glass plates Draco and I were using but no words were said.

Once I was finished eating I took Elora down stairs so she could have some tummy time on her play mat in the living room. She could barley hold her head up but I read it was good for her.

I conjured her play mat from upstairs and gently laid her on her stomach. She laid her head in the direction of the fireplace and watched it crackle and burn. Luckily there was a safety barrier around it so she wouldn't get hurt.

I stepped back and sat on the lounge just before her and watched carefully. Everything around the manor was so quiet. Ever since I told the ministry we had found Draco, they had stopped coming over and talking to me every hour or so. They took the poison I had ingested as a suicide attempt even though I had told them 100x what happened and that I didn't try and kill myself.

I couldn't kill myself. I couldn't leave what I had behind. My friends, my family, Elora, Draco. Kehlani and I had explained that too them but they didn't want to look further into it. It made me furious how clueless they were, how much they just swiped my attempted murder under the rug.

I tried to fight but there was just nothing I could do.

Elora was only supposed to do her tummy time for 10 minutes so after that I picked her up and took her upstairs for her Dailey nap, hoping this time she wouldn't wake up and scream like she did the last time.

I watched as she laid still, gentle breaths leaving and enter ring her body. I found that Elora snores and it's the cutest thing. It's a small quiet noise that leaves her nose. It's so sweet.

I kissed her gently on the cheek as left her room with a very quiet click of the door. I walked down the hallway and remembered Draco that said he was going to be down stairs in the potions cellar again.

I walked down the stairs and into the potions cellar myself as I watched him read his book and gently stir the potion. The potion had recently taken a light green that Draco said  would soon turn into a shimmering gold and once it did that we would know it's ready.

"It's going ok?" I asked him as he lifted his head from the book and simply nodded "That's good" I said awkwardly as I took a step towards him and sat in the chair next to him.

The Potions cellar kind of looked like a classroom except there was only two tables and no chalk board.

The smell of mushrooms filled their air, I was guessing it was the main ingredient of this potion. It was strong and made me feel a little light headed.

"Can I help you?" Draco asked softly as he closed his book and stared at me.

"Elora's asleep so there really isn't anything for me to really do" I shrugged as I stood from the chair and moved to inform of him.

"So you come and bother me?" He joked, standing as I scoffed.

"Don't need to be rude" I rolled my eyes as a smirk rose to my lips.

"Not being rude. Just.... asking" he shrugged as he took a step closer to me. I stepped back and as I did I tripped over my own footing and I would of fallen if Draco hadn't caught me.

He pulled me back up so my chest was pressed against his. I panted, my body calming itself from nearly getting harmed as Draco breathed against me.

We were so close together that I could smell his breath, the fresh spearmint toothpaste that I may or may not of used this morning. My breathed hitched as he slid his hands around my waist, feeling the silver of his rings through my thin shirt sent chills up my spine as he leant down.

I leant forwards slightly until he stopped.

"We can't-"

"I know. You don't remember" I said in a sad whisper as he looked to the ground.

"I..." he went to say something but gave up "Yeah... I don't remember" he whispered as he got me back on my feet and walked past me without another word, retreating back up stairs.

So at the start when I said it was breaking me, I meant it... but what I didn't realise was that it was breaking him just as much.

How are we all during this? I never really ask 🤷‍♀️

Word count 1538.

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