A Gaming Miracle

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Jackson loved video games, they were his favorite outlet, an escape from reality and all the pain that he was constantly surrounded by. He had a few friends he frequently played with, but he decided to expand his circle.

One day, a girl that he'd known for a while invited him to play with her and two of her friends. Jackson didn't that anything of it at the time. He started gaming with the girl, Hanna (18), and her two friends, Diana (18) and Alex (18).

Jackson felt connected with the Hanna's friends. He enjoyed their company. Alex and Hanna had been together for a while. Although he didn't know Alex, Jackson knew that he was a great person. Kind hearted, pure, forgiving and loving. He didn't really talk to Diana at the beginning as Jackson didn't really know how to approach her.

After a few hours passed, both Hanna and Alex decided to call it a night. However, Diana wanted to stay for longer. Jackson had finally gotten the opportunity to get to know Diana. She also seemed keen on getting to know him.

A few hours passed and they found themselves laughing constantly and in almost constant amazement at their similarities. Jackson had almost forgotten what it felt like to be understood. Eventually, the two had to call it a night, more like a morning after they found out it was 5am.

Hanna texted Jackson later that day and questioned him about his intentions with Diana. At this point, Jackson didn't know what to say. On one hand, he was broken and didn't have the strength to surrender himself to his feelings. On the other, he had not felt understood in too long that he wondered what life would be like along side someone who agreed with him and understood his feelings.

Being the indecisive fuck he is, he decided to keep his options open.

Soon enough, he found himself in an unexpected, nonstop conversation with Diana. He couldn't let go of his phone and neither could she. They talked for hours and hours each day.

He had urges to talk to her every second of every day, but his past reminded him that if Jackson shows too much interest in a girl then they will either get bored of him or she would take advantage of him.

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