She is right about everything. Sometimes I forget where my wife comes from and how she grew up. It's not easy to forget that kind of life you lived when she experienced it with our kids. I hate it. I hate so bad and every time I think about how they treated her I want to go lock them in that house and set them all on fire.

" You know sis nonto I failed to put myself in her shoes and think where she's coming from. All I could think about was that every time I am intimate with her she thinks that I am shooting blanks." she laughs. I can't believe this woman. " oh you're laughing at me?."

" I'm sorry celo but on the real though, Are you shooting blanks?."

She laughs out loud and I am surprised that my situation lets call it that, is tickling her funny bone. I end up joining her and we both laugh.

" You know I'm not. I had tests done and I am perfectly healthy." I flex my muscles.

" why didn't you tell her that?."

" I told her to set an appointment for tomorrow so I can get checked out."

" you thought she wouldn't believe you?." honestly I thought she would just think that I'm saying it to ease her mind.

" she's already thinking the worst njena?."

" that's not how a marriage works scelo. Your word is good enough for her. She just wanted you to reassure her and put her mind at ease.

" I fucked up didn't I?."

" No the both of you messed up. She didn't deliver it well and you didn't receive it well and you left her feeling bad."

" how do I fix it?."

" Just give your wife what she wants." I frown." Bed her and fill her belly. Make her scream your name like she did this morning." she laughs when she sees the shocked look on my face.

" what?. You heard us?." oh fuck!.

" The whole house heard you and gogo was shaking her head the whole entire time."

" Oh my God she heard us?."

She bursts out laughing and I shake my head laughing. She's just messing with me.

My dad walks in with his girlfriend and the smile on sis nonto's face is gone.

" go and talk to her. I don't want to see that child upset celo. Buy her favourite flowers, chocolate and expensive jewellery." we both get up and I hug her.

" You have always given me best advise. I appreciate it and I appreciate you." I kiss her cheek and she smiles. Again why isn't my dad sweeping this wonderful woman  off her feet?.

" Is everything okay with maMotaung?." His eyes keeping going between me and sis nonto. The kitchen gets filled with this awkward vibe. Dad needs to sort this whole situation. I think what gogo said to the both of them caused this whole weird energy.

" Nothing major dad. I'll fix it." I look at sis nonto and she's on the stove. I look at dad and he's looking at her. " uhm hi. I am sicelo." we shake hands.

" I am Ursula Memela. Nice to meet you finally scelo. Your dad has told me so much about you." .

" Nice to meet you too miss Memela." I remove my hand from her.

" Oh please call me Ursula. Miss Memela makes me feel old." I smile 

Dad once told me to that he met someone and obviously it's her. I won't say that though cause I don't want to hurt sis nonto. I know there's something between them but they have never tried to date. Sis nonto has worked for our family for as long as I can remember and not once have I ever heard that she has someone special in her life. Although she has children.