Highway Fight

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I follow after Blake and that monkey who lead me to the outside of a warehouse. I perch myself on the rooftop edge and just wait. Exactly three minutes later I hear screaming coming form inside the warehouse. A loud crash is then heard when I see Blake and monkey being chased down the street by a Paladin. I hop on the rooftops chasing after the Paladin until it jumps onto the highway. I jump to land on the Paladin when I'm tackled in midair. 

I land awkwardly, hear something snap and slam my back on a jersey barrier. I look up and see a petite woman with two hair colors. I snap my shoulder back into place and walk to the woman with me towering over her by eleven inches. I draw my sword and bring it down on her but she uses a parasol to block it.

She kicks my ribs making some of them break. I groan before kicking her backwards and nearly hitting a jersey barrier. She runs at me sword at the ready when I hold my sword defensively. Upon contact she shatters into glass and is nowhere to be seen. I look around when I feel a blade cut open my back.

I turn around and see the petite woman smiling. I draw my gun and fire at her but she backflips dodging my bullets. She lands sitting on the jersey barrier with her legs crossed and a smile on her face while holding her open parasol on her shoulder. I growl before walking to her and slamming my sword down on her.

She spins on her back dodging my sword and standing on the barrier. She then kicks my jaw making me stumble away from her. I correct myself  and fire the remainder of my bullets at her. She once again shatters and I lose sight of her. I take a wild guess and turn around while holding up my sword.

My guess is right because the girl brings her sword down on mine and we enter a stalemate. I grab her face and slam her onto the ground. I bring my foot down but she rolls slightly and impales my thigh with her sword. I groan before having the woman getting to her feet, jumping over me and cutting deep into my back. I turn around to cut her only to have her ram her sword through my heart.

3rd POV

Y/N falls on the ground dead which makes Neo smile and flick his blood off her sword. She then holsters her sword and looks over the highway wall to see the Paladin's remaining arm get punched to smithereens. Neo smiles before tensing up when a hand is placed on her shoulder. She turns around and goes wide eyed seeing the resurrected Y/N.

She tries to draw her sword only to receive a right hook to the face. Neo stumbles back when the back of her knees hit the highway barrier. Her momentum continues making her fall off the highway. However she becomes confused when the ground quits getting smaller. She looks up to see Y/N reaching over the highway barrier holding her left ankle.

Y/N pulls Neo up and over the highway barrier to safety. Neo feels her heart which is almost beating out of her chest. Y/N hmphs before holstering his weapons and walking away. Neo collects herself and holds out her hand stopping Y/N.

Y/N: "What do you want?"

Neo: *signs* "First and foremost, I killed you yet here you still stand, how?"

Y/N: "That's my secret."

Neo: "Ok then. Why did you save me?"

Y/N looks at Neo before sighing and looking to the side.

Y/N: "Because you remind me of someone I used to know."

Neo raises an eyebrow when a crash is heard. She looks over the highway wall to see Roman picking himself up off the ground. She looks back at Y/N only to see that he's already gone. Neo stares into space for a moment before shaking her head and jumping down just in time to block a shot from Yang with her parasol.

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