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the past four years have been crazy. It started when i was only eleven when some cake-eater who hated hockey ended up being the best coach ever.

Last season, well two years ago when i was 13 , my father had fell sick, i had to live with my aunt in maine where i couldn't play hockey.

Bur everyone wrote to me, even some of the new ducks wrote a letter or 2. And at the final winning game, i arrived and played. And i got nicknamed the 'The little bash sister' since Dean and Portman were defense like me and well acted like my big brothers, as weird as it sounds we were called the 'Bash Trio'.

And thanks to Gorden Bombay, and others. The Ducks and I our now standing in front of many, with hand willed scolarships.

The group of people cheered as Gorden began his speech.

"It's a great honor to be here today... to introduce you to a truly great group of kids Sure, they can be a little rambunctious. They've run me ragged and played more than their fair share of pranks. I still haven't forgotten about those eggs." he said making us all life at the thoughtful memory "But I hung in there, and they hung in there for me. We became the Quack Attack, the Flying "V''and the Bash Brothers with their little bash sister, I've never had a better time. These kids are winners, each and every one of them. But more than that, these are good people. I hope that they enrich and enliven your school and your lives the way they have mine. Now I hand you over to the capable hands... of my old biology teacher and the current headmaster... of Eden Hall, Dean Buckley."

The Dean had fully and offically announced our scholarships.

I knew i didn't see my dad in the crowds but i still written letter to him each day.

Ms. Conway, Charlies mom, the guy who had matured the same one i still had a crush on walked up to me with a sadden look making my smile switch to a frown.

"Casey is everything alright?" i asked concerned she shook her head , we sat on the steps as she took my head.

"Last night i got news from the hospital" she said my heart began to swell just like the tears in my eyes "They did everything they could but it became to much.... Your father passed away"

The tears dropped down my face "Im sorry" i got up whipping my tears but only more fell.

I walked away to the park, to a bench to be alone.

After minutes of sitting there in quite i heard someone clear there throat, i looked up to see Charlie "You okay?" he asked sitting down next to me.

"Y-Yeah im okay Charlie" i cleared my throat "Happy tears not sad ones... I mean at first we were distict five a terrible team and now we have scholarships, pretty amazing"

Charlie let out a sighed scoff "Yeah well im sorry for ruining your 'happy tears' but coach just told me that he wasn't coaching us this year...."

"What? Seriously?" i scoffed

"Yeah i know..." he dragged out

"At least we still have the ducks.... Most of us anyways"

Jesse Hall.... My best friend had left the team... I no longer had my two best friends anymore... I reallu miss Pete and Jesse.

Charlie grabbed my hand making my heart race as he looked out into the pound that stood in front of us.

"Yeah at least we still have the ducks..." he sighed.

Just to think tomarrow we attend this preppy school.... Im excited but im also dreading it.

But as long as i have Charlie and the ducks i should be fine.

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now