Hanging out and Dates

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I was back at the Conways once again . I was helping Charlie and Coach cook , i sat some more silverware down as Charlie came over with the hot food fresh from the oven .

"You know i heard the north stars wore the same underwear , all through the play-offs last year just for luck. So im doin the same thing" He said putting the hot food down "Thats discussting" i said looking at Charlie , "Yeah maybe i should've cooked" Bombay said "I was'nt talking about the food coach" i patted him on the shoulder and stood next to him looking at the food "Even though that would have been a good idea" . The room fell silent and i walked on the other side of the kitchen to get something i dropped and Bombay began to speak getting closer to Char .

"You know , im thinkin , maybe we can all go down to the winter festival tonight" , "All four of us" Char asked and i made my way back over to the them and sat down , "Sure" coach added cutting the meal we made .

"I dont think i should 'cause i got alot of homework" , i furrowed my eye brows confused we didnt have homework , my face relaxed as i saw what Charlie was trying to do and smiled slightly . "You should go by yourselves . With my mom" Char suggested and nudged in to help convice coach "Yeah besides your both adults and need a break from children this is a perfect opportunity . Plus a coach should always get to know his teams parents it'll add more trust from the parents after all" i smiled at him at him smugly wrapped my arms around his shoulder and kneck .

Before coach could respond the front door opened . "Mmm. Smells great" Ms. Conway said and put her bag on the couch and smiled at Bombay "Hello" she said sweetly , "Go for it" i heard Charlie whisper , "Hi" coach responded with confiednece .

Eventually both coach and Ms. Conway left for there date . I sat down on the couch and huffed , Charlie come over and sat down as well . I smiled and laughed "Man today was fun" i said laughing a bit "Yeah it was" Charlie agreed and it fell quite again .

I turned to face Charlie and smiled "You know we couldnt do this without you right" i said sweetly and he turned to me confused "What do you mean Fultons the one who made the shot making us go to the play-offs" , I shook my head leaning forward putting my forearms on my knees "Thats not what i meant Char" , he proceded to give me a confused look and mimiced my sitting position . I let out a sigh "Think about it . Charlie your like the heart of the team , you would do anything for your coach and team mates and your the real reason we got the ducks back together" , i put my hand on top of his in a friendly way of course ... I think .

"You never gave up on us ... Or coach , you stuck around" i smiled sweetly at him and he returned it let out a small laugh "Yeah but so did you .... You stuck around . So if im the heart of the team what does that make you ... And Fulton" he asked and i shrugged taking my hand off of his and leaned back on the couch "I dont know about me Char , but Fultons the strength and determination of the team" , he shook his head "I agree but your not nothing Miley...." I turned to him and furrowed my eye brows slightly "Your something , not just a girl who plays for the ducks or Jesse Halls and Peter Marks best friend .... Your something like me and fulton are... I dont know what though" .


I thought about it for what felt like forever . Amelia Russell wasnt nothing she was something big apart of the ducks that not many of us had but she did and she had it proudly . Then it hit me . "Pride and Courage" I blurted out and she looked at me with her hazle eyes and blinked at me "Miley your the pride and courage of the team ... You always have been even before we became the ducks" she smiled in return conforming that she agreed "And when we work as a team the ducks have the determination and bravery to win and have fun" i smiled back at her and it went quite again . 


It went silent until spoke up "You wanna watch a movie?" i asked looking at him and he nodded and grabbed the remote "Sure what do you wanna watch?" he asked kindly and i tapped my chin mimicing me thinking "mmm how about... The Goonies" i blurted exitedly the last part as he laughed and nodded and put on The Goonies .


I  just got home from a marvellous night with Gordon , he walked me and we entered the darkened house , I saw Amelia asleep with her head on Charlies shoulder and i smiled at them and so did Gordon "Let me go get her stuff together and then we can wake them up ... I'd also love a picture of them like that" i said looking at gordon who nodded "Sounds like a plan" he responded .

I packed Amelias stuff up and Gordon cleaned up the popcorn they had i assumed they fell asleep watching a movie . I grabbed my poleroid camra and Gordon stood next to me as i put new film in there "You know i'd always thought Charlie and Amelia would look cute together" i smiled looking at Gordon "So have i ... You should see them on the ice during practice and the looks he gives her" , "Maybe when there older it'll happen maybe not" i said and turned too them "If not i always have this picture to remeber" and i snapped a picture of them as the bright flash shined .

I saw Amelia rub her eyes and slowly sat up and i hid the picture and camra from her . "Miss . Conway ... Coach" she said tiredly "Hi sleepy head Gordons just gonna put Charlie too bed and walk you home" she nodded and got up and stretched and Gordon picked up Charlie heading to his room to lay him down.


Coach walked back into the room as i grabbed my doufle bag and hockey stick standing by the door . "Cmon coach" i said laughing . We walked out the conway house and the cold of missiapolis consumed me and i sighed "See you tomarrow coach" i waved and walked home .

I had to explain to my dad what happened and got a lecture but was too tired to pay attention and fell asleep after walking up stairs and laying on my bed .

W.M~ hey lovlies so i been thinking after every chapter i will be adding a fun fact abt the mighty ducks and the cast members and all

FUN NEWS : so this book will he published when im fully finished with season 1 which is The mighty ducks first movie and then using the samw book there would be a season 2 aka Mighty ducks D2 and id like to know should i make five chapters and post all five each day or post a post 2 short chapter everyday bc im fine with either as long as i have time for my self

BUT ending this book off with 1260 words imma see you in the next chapter

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum