Cake Eater

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Me Jesse and Pete were walking around the building when we heard Coach Bombay and the coach from the hawks team . Why was Bombay talking to him his a duck not a hawk.

"Even with banks , what do ya think your gonna prove , you and that bunch of loosers?" The Hawks Coach said coldly making me clench my jaw angrily . "Thats right Coach . They are loosers" Bombay responded back making me have a confused look on my face .

"We hate loosers dont we? . They dont even deserve to live." Bombay added making me quitly scoff , is he serious? .

Me , Jesse and Pete walked away before we could here any more of that lying and sceaming coach bombay . I really thought Coach could have been great for the team but maybe i was wrong , a part of me wants to think Coach didnt mean it that way or anything but i heard what he said . We were looser and didnt deserve to live is what Coach Bombay said .

I was in the locker room sitting by Jesse and Pete , everyone seemed happy and then there was us angry and gloomy at the hurtfull words coach had said about us . Coach walked in and turned to me Jesse and Pete who werent dressed properly , "hey, why arent you guys in unifrom? , we got warm ups in a half hour?" Coach Bombay asked us calmly , the sight of him made me made at the thought of what he had said previously , i clenched my jaw at him with a glare . Me Jesse and Pete gave each other a look and not a good look either .

"Alright everyone listen up , i got some good news" Coach said clapping his hands together , "Were getting a new player , Adam Banks" Coach said proudly everyone in the room was confused and said "what" including me .

"Hes a Hawk and a good player" Coach added , everyone desagreed and began saying how everyone hates him in which they werent wrong everyone did hate him , but of course coach desagreed with us tipical , "Im the coach i say we do need him , If we make it to the play-offs he could be a big help" coach added "If- All of a sudden you think were not good enough" Karp questioned .

"No , he thinks were loosers . Thats what he told Reilly" Pete said clearly angry , "What?" Coach said surprised and disbilef , "Cmon we heard what you said" Pete began before i cut him off "You said we were loosers and didnt deserve too live" i scoffed and glared at coach , "Thats not what i meant" Coach defended , i hope of spark lit up in me, maybe i was wrong about it , but Pete stood up , "Me and Amelia saw that picture of you missing that goal ." Pete said coldly as i looked at him then at coach "You were a hawk werent you , guess you guys stick together till the end" , "You know what i dont need your sticking eguipment" Pete said dropping the Jersey and began walking out as coach called out after him .

"Forget it cake-eater , you wanna play , play with yourself" Jesse said getting up as well "Cmon Terry" he said grabbing his brother , he turned to me "You coming Amelia?" Jesse asked looking at , i looked at him not moving then back down . He scoffed at me "Traitor" he said and finally walked out .

The rest of us who remained stayed quite , "Alright im going up to the bench , because thats were im supposed to be , anyone who joines me can join me anyone who doesnt- well-" Coach stopped and just walked out , i looked around at everyone .

Everyone began getting up "Where you guys going?" i asked concerened "Lets face it Amelia coach doesnt want us so whats the point" Connie said leaving "You coming or what?" guy asked me , i made a vow and i had to keep it so i shook my head "Traitors" Averman said as him karp and guy left .

After mintutes had passed i stood up grabbing my stick looking at Fulton and Charlie since we were the only ones who remained , "Well lets go and well ... Forfiet" i added walking away as Charlie and Fulton followed behind me .

We saw coach and ref talking as they turned to us as the doors slammed closed .

I went home sad that day because we forfiet the game and i lost my two best friends Pete and Jesse i was slightly closer to Jesse though and when he called me a traitor it hurt me really bad but for right now i need to sleep it through so thats what i did i sleeped .

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now