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We were in the locker room now proudly to were our ducks jersey , Karp was shoving Pete in the locker probably something he said to get him made which made me laugh . Me and Pete made up and were finally friends again , Jesse Hall on the other hand has always been the stubborn type and well we havnt talked really or made eye contact yet since that day .

I hade courage though , always had and if Jesse wasnt willing too forgive me then i was . So i walked over to Jesse who was opening his locker and i tapped on his shoulder . He turned too me with a blank expression , i wanted to tear up but kept it together . I will admit my eyes were diffently glazy .

"Im sorry Jesse , I really am" , "What happened that day ...I want to put behind us . Im sorry it felt like i betrayed you but the truth is that wasnt my inention really. Your my best friend Jesse Hall and im so sorry" , He stood up from the bench looking me dead in the eyes "Im sorry too Amelia" he said and pulled me into a hug as i hugged him back and smiled . I finally had my best friend back .

We pulled away and sat on the bench by his locker and began putting on my skates as well as Conway . Once i finsished i heard the door open and looked up with furrowed eye brows and tense hatred .

There stood Adam Banks . Me and Jesse shifted our eyes still remaining on him , Coach Bombay came through the door his eyes falling on Banks and tapped his back getting his full attention .

"Hey. Wasnt sure if you'd show up" , "Yeah whatever . I just wanted to play hockey" the cake-eater responded back with making me roll my eyes , "Good" .

Bombay faced us still at Adam's side , "Ducks you all know Adam Banks" Coach introduced .

I scoffed at him , "Well on behalf of the ducks , i'd like to say welcome" Charlie began and held out a hand for Adam to shake before he got stopped by Jesse . I stood up to standing slightly behind Jesse "Cake-Eater" he scoffed .

"Ooh , the Jesse-man , dissin the new guy! , TheJesse-ster" Averman narrated "Shut up Averman" i yelled smacking him in the back of the head not to hard though just hard enough , he rubbed it , "It was just a joke" .

I pushes past Jesse and got closer to Adam with a glare "Putting on a ducks jersey does'nt make you a real duck . Cake-eater" i shoulder checked him and walked out the locker room with one lasr glare and scoffed , Jesse followed behind me and a few seconds later so did the rest of them , Charlie was the last one out .

The game began and i watched from the benches apparently coach didnt want me out because i seemed to "Pissed" and didnt want me to accidently injure the other teams players . I watched as the ducks played and practically ignored Adam not even giving him a chance with the puck , poor Banskie .

"Pass it took banks!" Bombay shouted across the ice . Once they finally passed it to Adam he turned and made a goal and cheered , everyone scrambled over to cheer on banks and i watched Jesse roll his eyes and skate away from the scene . Don't get me wrong i was happy the ducks made a goal but did it have to be Adam who shot the goal? .

We were all arguing and discussing things i decided not to pay attention too . "Goldberg, your gonna sit this one out" Bombay said "What your pulling the goalie when were tied?" i asked , "Listen! Listen! Listen! . A tie isnt going to help us . We need to win" , "Everybody give the puck to fulton" , "We pulling the statue of liberty play?" Fulton asked slightly confused "Yeah" Connie pitched in .

"No take your shot . You may only get one , so its gotta be good" Coach encouraged , "But coach one outta one" Fulton doubted .

"Soft hands Fulton . Concetration not stength" Guy said and winked at Connie making me gag in my mind , "Russell!" Coach shouted as i stood up poping my head through the crowded people "Show me your defense" coach said making me smile "Let's go get those huskies!" , we all cheered and slid out onto the ice .

We were all lined up Huskies lined up as well but on our side , i stood in between Jesse and Conway with my stick on the ice getting prepared as my grip tightened . Banks went up by the ref as well as another player on the opposite team . The ref dropped the puck and Banks quickly swipped it passing it to Fulton , i shoved two players onto the ice . I looked back to where Fulton was only to seem him trying to get the puck back "Dammit!" i muttered and raced to catch up .

Fulton shoved the player onto the ice and went to get the puck . 8 seconds left and everyone began to shot at Fulton for him to shoot the puck . In a flash the puck zoomed towards the net as the Huskie playerd scrammed out the way and my eyes widened as the puck went all the way through the net . I skated over to Fulton and hugged him "You did it Fulton you did it!" i cheered as the other duck players came and soon became a group hug .

I ran home that day and barged through the door with my duffle bag and hockey stick in hand , my father stopped and looked at me and folded the news paper "You okay honey" he asked concerned , i smiled wildly and dropped every thing "WE MADE THE PLAY-OFFS DAD!" I shouted as he opened his arms and i gladly ran into them and he hugged me tightly "Im so proud of you pumpkin" , "Me too dad" .

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Where stories live. Discover now