Stinging like Hornets

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We were at our game against the hornests , i was out on the bench cheering on my teamates . Charlie had the puck rapidly skating to the goal or at least trying to make sure non of the hornets got them , i stood by Jesse inticipating about the game coach shouting from my right and fulton was behind me on my left .

Charlie shoots the puck falling and the ice and the buzzer goes off and the crowd goes wild "YESS!" I jump up and down patting Jesse's shoulder as his arms went up in the air .

Coach sent me on the ice and i flip a Hornet player over and into the boards , me and connie together shove players against the walls , i heard the announcer say Adam made a goal . By now i did'nt hate him to much but it did'nt mean i liked him . Averman got the puck and shot making a goal .

We kindly smacked the Hornets hand as we went out seprete ways letting them know we had a good yet fair game . We cheered off with our friends at another winning game and our next game was the Cardinals again .....

~Time skip~

The game started Cardinals vs the Ducks , i was out on the ice once more and Averman shoved a player to the ground , i got shoved hardly onto the ice by a Cardinal player , i quickly got up in time to see Adam with the puck.... Again , i shove the Cardinal that pushed me onto the ice ans went to help defend . Adam made a goal and we all huddled around and cheered .

We lost the puck for a breif moment but retrieved it surrounded by Cardinals . Averman had the puck and passed it too Banks , Adam side looked at me and i gave him a confused look till i saw the puck sliding over to me and i quickly snatched it and smirked at the Cardinals "Stand back its Russell Tussell time"
I winded up and made a powerful hit and the Cardinals rush out the way and the puck went through the net and split in half when it hit the side boards "And there goes the fameous hit by number 17 Amelia Russell making the winning score for the strong O'Mighty Ducks!" .

We were in the locker room spraying soda pop every where on each other as a victory . My once straightened hair was now in a wavy finish and sticky spelling like coke , I poored some on coach only to have cold ice be poored on me as well as Connie and a few others .

I went up and hugged Jesse "We did it Jess we did it!" i said hugging him tightly , he pulled away and smiled "We sure did Amelia we sure did" and laughed pete came up and i hugged him as well "Nice shot Amelia" , "Thanks pete" us three laughed and pulled each other into a group hugg .

I walked up with Charlie that night sticky yet happy . Once we got to the point we had to part ways i smiled and looked at him "Well tomarrow we go against the hawks" i said nervously "Were gonna do great don't worry plus if we loose at least we had fun" , i shook my head laughing "Alright then i'll see you later Conway" i scruffles his hair as i was about a inch taller than he was .

I walked in my house to see my dad coughing again "You alright partner?" concered was heard in my voice "Im fine Pumpkin.... How'd the game go?" , "Oh dad were going against the hawks we won dad!" he said cheerfully "Im proud sweetheart" , "So are you gonna be able to make it to the game tomarrow?" i said full of hope , he gave me a unsure look and i put my head down . His hand touched my shoulder and shook it "Of course imma be ther pumpkin wouldnt miss it for the world" i smiled and hugged him "Alright go take a shower your all sticky and sweaty" i laughed and did i was told and had an amazing sleep .

Did you know that when the actors who played as Gordon Bombay and Casey Conway had to kiss in freezing weather causing there lips to literally stick together so they had to poor warm water to pull them apart and yikes that had to be embarring 😂 741 words

The Mighty Ducks ~  Amelia Russell Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora