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Ella led the way upstairs with Tom following behind. As she walked in she noticed the answer machine button flashing red with a message (or ten) which was probably why Tom was so worried. She threw her shoes into her bedroom and boiled the kettle. Frankie was fast asleep on the sofa with his paws dangling over the edge.

"So this guy that hit you, who was he?"

"He was just some college kid. As cute as the over protective thing is you don't need to worry."

"He can't just go around hitting women Ella. Especially not you!"

Ella was flattered by Tom's frenzied panic. She turned around so she was facing him and pressed her body into his forcing him against the wall.

"Can we argue about this tomorrow please?" She asked in her huskiest voice.

Tom replied by pulling her closer into him and kissing her zealously. His hands roamed through her hair as she began undressing him. He picked her up so her legs were wrapped around his waist and feverishly kissed her neck as he carried her through to the bedroom.

Sex with Tom was amazing and as Ella woke she couldn't help but admire his body. She hadn't realised how much she had missed him, she felt like a better person when she was with him and she loved the person he made her – she had begun an honest job for him and quite frankly she was smitten.

Ella had a quick shower and examined her eye for injuries, her right cheek was swollen above the bone and she had a small purple bruise underneath her eye, apart from that she looked normal with the exception of the tiny love bites on her neck that she hoped her hair would conceal.

She went back into the bedroom to find Tom awake, still in bed but on his phone.

"Morning gorgeous," He beamed.

She climbed over the bed and laid her head onto his bare chest.

"Good morning,"

"How's the eye?"

"I'm contemplating a pirate patch."

"Oh Lucky, what are you like?! Do you fancy going out for brunch?"

"I do but I really need to take Frankie out, I haven't been home much the last few days. Oh yeah, that's a point, what was wrong last night anyway? Why did you come round?"

"Bring him with us, I know a good place and we are practically on the beach, we can eat outside." Tom smiled.

Ella got dressed into her a cotton grey mini dress with denim jacket over the top and her Louboutin ankle boots. Tom had to put on his previous night's outfit of white shirt and navy blue trousers and yet again looked amazingly hot. He had such a mature sexiness about him and Ella couldn't doubt her attraction for him. She strapped Frankie into his harness and they walked across the beach front to a little café on the shore.

Tom pulled out Ella's seat like the gentlemen he is and asked the waiter for a water bowl for Frankie. Ella commented on how quiet the place was even though it was right on the seafront.
Tom engaged Ella in light conversation whilst they waited for the waiter to come back over. Frankie was lay under the table trying to find some shade from the blistering hot midday sun.

When the waiter came back to the table Tom ordered bacon and syrup on waffles and Ella had a mushroom omelette with two sausages on the side for Frankie.

"He's such a well behaved dog, how long have you had him?"

"Pretty much as soon as I moved here, so, five years roughly. He was a rescue dog."

"Oh really? What had happened to him?" Tom asked rubbing Frankie's ears.

"He was just wondering the streets, I fell in love with him the moment I set eyes on him so I spent a fair bit of cash to get him healthy and haven't looked back since."

The Honeytrap HeartbreakerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora