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Ella got to Adam's just before 10am, she must have woke him up as he answered the door with his dressing gown loosely done up and hanging off one shoulder, she could hear him yawning as he was walking to the door. He answered as he rubbed his eyes then burst into an excited smile and pulled Ella into the house. Frankie propped up his head and his tail began wagging like a helicopter propeller, Ella bent down to greet Frankie nuzzling her head into his as he licked her face.

"So how was it baby girl? You're looking very tanned."

"I'm looking fat Adam, don't be nice."

"Hey that's a sign of a good time! You're still like a stick anyway Els,"

Adam made them both a smoothie as they chatted about her weekend away and how Frankie was definitely not a babe magnet. Adam wanted all the gory details about Tom and Ella was more than happy to oblige, she told him about all of the stuck up people at Viktor's and the size of Nadia's closet, she told him about the mall, the massage and the picnic.

Relaying it back sounded like a fairy tale to her and Adam gushed over every bit. Adam then told her about how Tom had told him the week in advance and he had arranged for him to have Frankie, which then started him on a rant about how stubborn Frankie was and how he didn't want to eat healthy food or dog food just meat and grease, and then how he would be woke up every morning by Frankie running around ready to go for a walk even when he was on nights.
Ella couldn't help but laugh, she knew Frankie could be a pain when he wanted to be.

She spent the rest of the morning with Adam just gossiping and when her belly started to ache from laughing so much she grabbed her case and Frankie's lead and headed home. She poked her head round the door to the bar as she was walking back but Josie was too busy for her to notice, that meant she should probably go into work early tonight. When she got back to the apartment it was just as she left it, there was still half a cup of tea on the side from the morning when she left in a panic late for work. She sighed to herself and threw it into her washing bowl.

She quickly changed into her running gear just throwing her case on the floor and took Frankie on a 3-mile run knowing Adam would have just taken him to the shop and back if that, also she had over indulged at the weekend more than she ever had before so she definitely needed it. The run wore her out more than usual so she took a long bubble bath whilst Frankie slept outside of the door not wanting Ella to be out of his sight.

She spent the rest of the afternoon lulling around the apartment sorting out her new clothes from the weekend, having a quick clean and making Frankie his favourite sausages. She couldn't help but feel a bit lost without Tom, she was used to being with him now and she missed his company. She tried to call but it went straight to answer phone so rather than pining like a puppy dog she got dressed and went to work.

Ella walked into the bar like she had never left, Josie was rushed off her feet and rather than greeting Ella she just threw the bar apron at her and told her to craic on. Ella hadn't missed bartending, it was beginning to become a bit of a drag for her, she knew she could do better but this was easy money and that's what she needed at the minute, she was getting fed up from the same old exhausted jokes from the same old boring customers every day.

She liked a drink herself, admittedly not so much anymore but still she could never picture herself going to the same bar every day all day, it just reeked of depression, surely they could be doing something worthwhile.

It didn't even occur to Ella that there was a game on and she really wasn't in the mood for men leering at her, she knew if she flirted back she could rake in the tips but considering how well things were moving with her and Tom she felt disloyal.

The Honeytrap HeartbreakerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora