Tom nodded in agreement and quickly changed topic back to his new business venture, he was explaining to Ella how all the licensing checks worked and how he'd had early unannounced visits from the police which set him back a few months, he openly admitted it was his only fault for not displaying the license in the correct place and having one employee selling alcohol on the cheap but nonetheless it was still an inconvenience. He wanted to be as big as Hermes and he was hoping that working in conjunction with his construction business meant he would. At the minute he was transporting anything and everything so he was helping tenants move and collecting large kitchen appliances to take the scrap yard but in the long run he wanted to just deliver for large retail chains.

He was so work-orientated that his focus was commendable, Ella was truly in awe of this brilliant business man sat in front of her. She once had the same dreams of owning a business but the closest she ever got was the website and that wasn't entirely legal so she could hardly brag about it. In fact the whole scenario actually made her feel incredibly ashamed, there was this hard working, law abiding man who was doing everything he could to make his business work despite set back after set back and she just went out to catch men cheating. It was around that moment she decided she would close down the website.

The fact of the matter was she wouldn't have met Tom if it wasn't for the website and she had always believed men were always the ones at fault and it was the woman who deserved better but now she was wondering how many bitter women she had helped get a better percentage in a divorce court or full custody of their kids when the man was just struggling to keep his head above water. It was a tough decision but she knew it was the right one. Although now she had to decide what to do for work – it was going to be strange going back to shift work and having a manager and she wasn't too sure quite how she was going to cope but she was going to try.

Ella finished dinner with a new outlook on life and that outlook was going to begin with pudding. Tom insisted he was too full up but Ella had been here before and knowing how good their sundaes were she asked for two spoons anyway. They were presented with a mountain of ice cream which must have been at least a foot high drizzled in chocolate sauce, splattered with honeycomb and marshmallows and finished off with a few glazed cherries. Ella raised her eyebrow at Tom when it arrived and glanced back and forwards between him and the spoon, it must have taken no longer than 30 seconds for him to cave.

"How much do I owe?" Ella asked noticing the cheque placed in front of Tom.

"Are you kidding? You told me you were practically unemployed plus it's my treat."

"Unemployed doesn't mean broke." Ella pulled out three dollars from her purse and wafted them in front of her face.

They both erupted into laughter.

After a miniature argument over the bill they came to the conclusion Ella would get the next one. Tom wrapped his blazer over Ella's shoulders and complimented her on the new blue dress for the seventeenth time; she brushed it off as usual. As they left the restaurant they were greeted by a dark blue Mercedes parked at the road side, the driver stepped out of the car in full black tie and jogged round to open the door for Tom and Ella.

"Thanks Dolton."

Once in the car Ella whispered to Tom; "Dolton?"

"My driver, I know you're blonde Lucky but I mean-"

Ella slapped him on the arm in jest.

"I meant, like, what, why do you have a driver? I thought business was bad?"

"Oh the construction side of things is never quiet." Tom smiled.

He pulled Ella onto his lap and didn't let go of her the whole ride home, when he managed to peel himself from her lips his hands were running through her long flowing hair or over her slim figure. He let out a long sigh as the cars brakes were applied outside of her apartment.

The Honeytrap HeartbreakerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant