Chapter 8

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Alastor's POV:

Today's the first day of school for the new students and I guess it's time for me to help Aizawa. Hopefully he doesn't just sleep all day. I got dressed and woke up Toga, which should be simple but it's not. I have to splash water in her face just to wake her up. Once she managed to get dressed I practically dragged her to the cafeteria and we got some food.

Toga: *Yawn* Alastor why do we have to wake up so early. School doesn't start for another 3 hours.

Alastor: Toga you do realize that it starts in *Checks clock* 30 minutes. 

Toga: *Eyes open wide* OH MY GOD WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!!! 

Alastor: Saying this out loud we should probably hurry.

With that we both down our toast and bacon before I opened a portal for us. We were the first one's there so Toga sat in one of the front seats and started playing on her phone while I sat at a side table that was seated in the corner of the front next to the main teachers desk. We both waited for another 10 minutes as the students started to file in. I was organizing the papers on my desk and I looked up since there was a commotion and my smile almost faltered seeing Bakugou with his feet on a desk while arguing with Iida. I knew I have to step in since Bakugou might turn physical if Iida get's on his nerves.

Alastor: Hey you two. Knock it off.

Iida: YOU! What are you doing here. 

Bakugou: Who are you smiles?

Alastor: All your question's will be answered soon enough.

Bakugou: What's up with that cryptic question. You think your better than us or something.

Alastor: I said take a seat and your questions will be answered. *Eyes glow a faint red and my smile strains*

With that I see Iida rush to a seat and Bakugou get's his feet off the desk and he sits straight. 

Alastor: Thank you.

More people come in and takes a seat, but they start to talk amongst themselves. Stretching my arms I look at the door and I see a strange yellow caterpillar slowly inching it's way across the floor and into the doorframe. Finally, Aizawa's here.

Aizawa: If your just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff and leave. Welcome to U.A.'s hero course. *unzips sleeping bag* It took eight seconds before you all shut up, that's not gonna work. Time is precious and rational students would understand that.

(Authors Note: Alastor doesn't know all of their names but he is describing them based on whos talking and who he knows)

Invisible girl: Who is he?

Guy with big lips: Must be some kind of pro.

Tail Guy: But he look's so worn out what's this guys deal.

Alastor: The deal is that he is your teacher.

Aizawa: That's right, now everyone put on these and head outside. *Points to gym clothes on his desk labeled with names* We will be doing a quirk assessment test.

Round Face: A quirk assessment test, what about orientation?

Aizawa: If you want to make it to the big leagues then we don't wanna waste time on a pointless ceremony. So we will be starting off. I will meet you there. *Get's in sleeping bag and rolls away*

Everyone: What just happened?

Alastor: Well you heard him go and change. Toga let's go meet Aizawa.

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