Chapter 7

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Alastor's POV: (Gore Warning)

It's been a couple of weeks since the entrance exam and we found out that Toga got accepted into 1-A. Toga was exited that we were in the same class, but I reminded her that we will not be distracted by each other in class, at least not that much. About us, after the exam I confessed my feelings to Toga and it turns out that she had the same feelings as me so we started to date. At first it was awkward since we never been in a relationship but we became more comfortable with each other. Today we are going on a date to celebrate her passing the exam so we went to a nice mall to hang out with us going to go to a dinner later.

Alastor: So what first my dear.

Toga: I don't really know. Let's just look around and if we see a store we like we can go in.

Alastor: Sounds like a plan.

We walked around a bit and Toga kept dragging me into stores that she said had "cute" things that was either clothing for me or her. I also bought her a little stuffed teddy bear. As we were walking back we saw a villain attack. The villain appeared to be a male blond with a sadistic smirk on his face. He was wearing a red tank top and was covered in large muscles. He was fighting two pro heroes that were protecting some civilians. I believe they were called water hose or something along the lines. I see them struggling to fight against the monster of man they are trying to protect the civilians from.

Toga: Alastor we got to help them, they aren't gonna last long against that thing.

Alastor: Go to U.A. and get Nezu and All might. While you do that I will deal with this brute.  *Opens portal to U.A.*

Toga: Bye Al see you in a bit *Waves before walking through portal*

As I go to intervene in the fight I see the man brutally defeat both of them with a muscled filled punch. He stands over the two bodies and precedes to bash the already dead bodies into a paste of flesh and bones. With every hit you can hear the crunch of ones with a red mist spraying into the air. The only thing that remains is the bits of clothes that they were wearing, but even that was stained with blood and flesh. The man picks up a almost destroyed skull from one of the pair and laughs triumphantly while crushing it in his palm.

???: HA HA HA, That was so easy, I wanted a bigger fight but I guess you have to take what you can get, now onto you people before anymore heroes show up.

Alastor: Not if I have to say anything about it. 

???: Who are you shrimp. *Stares ominously down at me*

Alastor: I will be what some may call a nice cold can of whoop ass. *Shifts into demon form*

???: Ha, let's see you do any better than those turds. *Points to blood mound*

Alastor: Before we fight can I have your name so I know who my first villain I beat is.

???: Call me Muscular, but it wont matter since its the last name you will ever hear. 

Alastor: Call me Alastor or the radio demon, whatever you prefer. Now can we hurry this up I have to return to my girlfriend. *Starts to walk towards him*

Muscular: Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away your coming right towards me?

Alastor: Well I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer.

Muscular: Then come as close as you like. *Gathers muscle onto his arms and gets ready to throw a punch*

Once we stand face to face with each other we both stop. He then reels his arm backward and throws the first punch. With that I do nothing and the punch connects to my head which snaps it backwards so the back of my head is touching my back with my neck at an painfully awkward position.

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