7 📸

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"Leave grannie out of whatever you're planning," I hissed at him, a mixture of anger and fear rising up. He was already playing dirty right from the start, involving people that had nothing to do with it. It was probably for the best after all that I had left for the restaurant, who knew what would have happened if I hadn't. If we hadn't.

"It all depends on you sweetheart. I see you're playing hide and seek with me aren't you? It's making me get kind of excited, like I'm hunting down my prey." I felt sick and disgusted, what was wrong with him? Though there was one thing that did seem to have worked then. "So you're telling me you don't know where I am?"

You could hear him click his tongue on the other side of the line, making a small smirk rise up. Good, but I couldn't get too confident yet. After all, who knew what he would do with grannie? "You know doll, though I love a good game, I'd rather have you here with me to play a different game, how about a little dress up game, playing doctor? I'll be the doctor, you play the patient in need of a heart surgery. I'll cut you open nice and clean so your scars will be really pretty."

I knew a threat when I heard one, but I couldn't just be careless. "And what if I want to keep playing hide and seek?" Lucas made a humming sound, thinking. "You know what? You're lucky I'm in a good mood. Don't you move okay? I'll figure out all the places you could be at and find you and your friends and... boyfriend? Which of the two did you get with? Or maybe even both? That'd be sneaky of you."

Gag reflexes. Good to know they were still working. "Me and Seungmin are actually married now, thank you very much." Seungmin, I had to warn him, and the others too. With a bit of bad luck he still remembered the dorms too. I suddenly heard a loud, high pitched scream in the background, making my eyes widen. "Grannie!?"

You could hear Lucas Laugh. "I'll be on my way to find you then, stay tight pretty," he laughed before hanging up. I had to hurry, who knew what would happen? I instantly called Hyunjin, whispering Pick up over and over again. It was taking too long, why wasn't he answering? Lucas didn't get there already did he? No, that would be impossible.

"Y/N? Why are you calling so early?" Hyunjin's groggy voice sounded through the phone. I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness you're okay. You're at home right?" Hyunjin hummed. "Yeah, why? Is everything okay?" I shook my head automatically, even though he couldn't see it, pacing through the tiny room. "No, you have to go out and take everyone with you, and fast!"

You could hear some noises in the background, the thuds on the floor of him walking, the sound of the door opening, bouncing off the wall. "Guys, we have to go, now," Hyunjin called out firmly, voices talking in the background. "Wait what? Why? Where?" you could vaguely hear Minho ask. "Y/N, I put you on speaker," Hyunjin answered.

"It's Lucas and the other's, they were just at my house. He thinks this is some sick sort of hide and seek, so I can only assume he'll visit you guys next. I have to call the police to make sure my neighbor is okay, you guys please leave and call the others too." "We got this, don't worry okay? We'll pick you up," Hyunjin said, hanging up again.

I called the police right after, desperately trying to explain the situation. They'd bring an ambulance with them just in case, asking me if I was alright, offering to stay with me, but I'd rather they'd just focus on finding them. I sent them to the dorm too, just in case Lucas did indeed go there. I wasn't going to be as stupid as I used to be.

The door downstairs opened, making me freeze in my place. Who was it? Lucas? "Y/N? Are you here?" Jisung's voice called out as he ran up the stairs. He instantly looked relieved when he saw me, grabbing my wrist to quickly pull me outside. He brought me out to the car, Chan behind the wheel, Minho in the front seat and Hyunjin in the back.

I quickly got in the back, Jisung following right after me, making me sit between him and Hyunjin. Hyunjin wrapped his arm around me in a protecting and comforting manner. "It's okay, don't worry. Minho called the other's already, they're about to pick up Jeongin from college, his exam should be done soon so we're in luck."

"I called the cops too, they should be on the way to your dorm too to make sure that Lucas isn't headed there." I couldn't help but think about Elle. She did warn us after all, but something just didn't feel right about it. If she was so scared of him, how did she know first if it wasn't released until the day later?

"Y/N... Y/N?" I instantly shot up, trying to figure out who's voice it was. "You okay there?" Chan asked, our eyes meeting in the mirror. I smiled at him, nodding. "Yeah, I'm okay, don't worry." Chan smiled, focusing on the road again. "That's good then. I was just saying Minho rented a house by the beach for us, Felix just texted they're staying at a motel somewhere."

Oh... so me and Seungmin would still be separated, wouldn't we? My smile slowly faded without me even noticing at just the thought. I really started to regret this, agreeing to stay apart. I missed him, I wanted to stay with him, even though we only parted this morning. Just the thought of not being able to be by his side through this scared me.

Not just because I was scared, but because I wanted to protect him too.

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