5 📸

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"I get that Lucas is mad, but why on earth is there suddenly an entire gang out for us? We didn't know them in the first place!" Jisung sighed. "That's the thing with joining. Apparently if you get to join them, they'd grant one wish, and it's pretty clear what his was." Seungmin rolled his eyes, indeed knowing all too well what it was. He got it, he and the other's did ruin his and his sister's life, but there could have been more he wanted, right?

Jisung pulled me out of Seungmin's arms, who desperately tried to stop me from leaving. "I know you two don't want anything to do with it anymore, but I'm not just going to let you ignore the problem until it's too late," Jisung said sternly, a tone he rarely had. "Min, you get up too. We're going over to the dorms to figure out a plan on what to do." Jisung was about to pull me out, only looking at me when I stopped him right in front of the door. "Can I at least put anything more decent on than this?" I asked jokingly, only walking around in one of Seungmin's oversized shirts. Jisung looked away just as quick, letting go. "Just make it quick please."

In only a few minutes we were at the dorms, where most of the guys still lived together, it saved a lot of the cost, and at this point they were all used to it anyways. Jisung, Chan and Hyunjin all still lived there, since Jisung's restaurant was closeby. Jeongin was finishing his last year of university, already having found a job in the neighborhood as a kindergarten teacher. Right now he lived quite far away, but in only a few days he'd move back in as his exams were almost over.

Minho still lived at home too, working in an animal shelter. He and Jisung seemed to have gotten closer over the years, but no one could tell what exactly was going on between the two. Changbin and Felix moved out however. Changbin as a tattoo artist, Felix as a dance instructor. The both job's were out of town, not too far away, but due to the guy's needing more space for themselves as they got older they decided to move out together.

"I called Changbin, Felix and Jeongin too. Jeongin said he had to finish one of his last exams, but would come as fast as he could. Changbin and Felix were already on the way here, it would probably take only a few minutes by now," Chan said as we all sat down in the living room. It had been a while since we had all gathered with such a bad atmosphere in the room, the suffocating kind. No one really said anything, letting the silence speak our thoughts.

The door opened, making everyone's heads turn. "We're here," Felix called out, walking through the door with a boxy, somewhat awkward smile, followed by a serious looking Changbin. "We heard from Chan about what happened," Changbin stated, cutting to the chase. "I think we should fill in the police, ask for some kind of protection." Jisung looked up rather uncomfortable, and Chan shook his head. "They probably won't be able to do much. I'm guessing they're already looking for them as they are fugitives. I suggest we at least let Seungmin and Y/N stay over somewhere else for the time being, while we wait for the police to do their work."

Moving again... not exactly what we were waiting for. I finally had a safe place for just me and Seungmin, a place to me together alone, was that really too much to ask? "They already know about this place, so where do you suggest the two lovebirds go to?" Minho asked. Chan seemed to ponder, unsure of what to answer. He hadn't really had to time to figure that part out yet. "I know this might not seem great, but I think it would be best if they split up."

My vision instantly shot to Seungmin, who's eyes met mine within a second, equally displeased as I was. "I gotta say I'm not exactly a fan of that plan," Seungmin stated short, yet sharply. "Just... hear me out," Chan continued, trying to explain his way of thinking. "If the two of you stay together, if you do get caught, they'd catch you together. If you split up you're a lot less likely to both get caught, doesn't that seem like an option?

"Y/N could stay at the restaurant up at the attic. I practically live there at this point, and since most people don't know about us leading the restaurant I believe it might be a good opportunity."  Before I could answer, Changbin butted in. "Seungmin could stay over at our house. I don't think they know about that since we barely told a soul. While the guys seemed to already be working out the details, Seungmin and I could only look at each other with sad expressions. Soon, we'd probably have a greater gap between us, something I had sworn to not let happen again.

"Seungmin? Y/N? What about it? Chan asked again, snapping me out of my daze. Seungmin muttered something in agreement, still keeping his sadned eyes fixated on me for approval, which he more or less get, just simply without the actual liking. Of course I was grateful to everyone for helping me out so much, but it still didn't didn't feel right to be apart from Seungmin for so long...

If only this would be over fast enough.

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