Mr always at the right place at the right time

Start from the beginning

Bomi nodded confidently

Bomi-Thank you
Chanyeol-Most welcome. Oh, before that


Chanyeol pecked a soft kiss on Bomi's cheek

Chanyeol-Your good luck charm

Bomi's cheeks flushed in deep red. He chuckled

End flashback

Hayoung-Please be ready

Bomi quickly brushed off all her thoughts about Chanyeol

"Let me invite to the stage, Director Yoon Bomi"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The crowd put their hands together for Bomi as she walked up onto the stage

Youngwoo looked at Bomi with proud eyes. Mijin was scrolling down her phone, did not pay attention to the rest at all

Eunji-Please excuse me for a bit
Baekhyun-Where are you going? The event is about to start
Eunji-I need to use the toilet. It won't be long

Baekhyun nodded. Eunji excused herself to the washroom

Bomi began her speech by welcoming the guests and medias. She proceeded with introducing Orion first beauty brand, Oseque

Bomi stared into the empty script card, pretending to read the prepared texts although she actually did not. She had no gut to look at the crowd. Because she knew he was there, as he should

Chanyeol stood amongst the people. He grabbed a champagne glass from the tray and sipped the drink casually

He wasn't paying much attention to Bomi's words. He simply stood there, admiring her beautiful face which he missed a lot

How Chanyeol wished he could go up there, kiss her, and tell her how much he loved her and wanted to be with her. But of course, it wouldn't be appropriate

Buzzed! Buzzed!

Chanyeol's phone buzzed in his pocket. He moved away from the stage as he picked up the phone

Chanyeol-Hello, Chanyeol speaking

Because it was too crowded, Chanyeol accidentally stumbled into a man who was wearing all black. His phone fell from his grip to the floor

Chanyeol crouched down and picked up his phone. But something caught his attention while he was kneeling. That man had a gun in his back pocket

Man-I'm sorry

He quickly apologised and disappeared among the people


Chanyeol looked for the man but he could not find him. There were too mazy people plus mostly the gentlemen were wearing black

Chanyeol-Excuse me, please give me a way

He squeezed in between people. Chanyeol finally spotted the man from earlier because he was the only one wearing a cap

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