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(DR=Desired reality, CR=Current Reality)

I have been wanting to shift for ages, and I've tried, but I realised I didn't do it right, or I just gave up. Finally, the other night, I tried to shift, and like really tried, and I got so close. 

I used the Raven method, and I could feel myself beginning to shift, my hands and legs were tingling, and my fingers were numb. The only thing was, I couldn't fall asleep on my back, which is a part of the method. 

I was trying to shift to Beacon Hills/the Teen Wolf universe to be with the one and only Stiles Stilinski. I had made a script for Hogwarts the night before, but decided I wanted to go to Beacon Hills instead, so I kind of just went with the same script but replaced all the Harry Potter characters with teen wolf characters in my head.

For my affirmations, I kind of just did simple 'I am' ones, which I know isn't the best to do, but I think it works for me. I will be trying again tonight, and then giving myself a small break if it doesn't work, so my mind can rest. 

One of the main things I struggle with is staying focused. I have ADHD, so I can't really focus on things and my mind wanders everywhere, I also suck at sitting still. It makes it hard for me to do pretty much anything, but I'm still going to try.

Tonight I am going to be using the Sunni method, as I am able to lay on my side.

It also doesn't help that I share a room with my little sister who is loud, and she stays up on her laptop until like 2am, which is distracting.

Some things I did before I tried were, drinking water, having a good meal beforehand, showering, listening to music that reminds me of my DR and or listening to 6 Hz Theta waves and visualising my DR lover/friends. 

I'll check in tomorrow and let you know how the Sunni method went, and I'll make a chapter about things I have scripted to happen in my DR and stuff like that.

Byeeeeeeeeee :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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