Wherever you go (DreamNotFound)

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On his way home, George meets a figure that might be able to finally change his life.

Au; set somewhere in the past. A bit angsty, a bit fluffy.

Tw: blood, melancholy ? (I'm not sure about this, but something along the lines of depression/melancholy. Not really a chronical illness though.)

3450 words.


The wind was howling when I stepped out of my office building onto the street. It was late and the sun was long gone, even though I wasn't sure if there had been any sun today anyways. The small, flickering orbs of light from the street lamps were the only thing illuminating my surroundings.

The storm, the slight rain dripping down from the sky, and the darkness that inevitably came with nighttime, had left the streets empty. Wherever my eyes travelled, I couldn't make out any people. The only sign of human life were the squares of light in the distance, thousands of small windows that kept people safe from the storm and the cold, but let the light from inside shine through.

I slowly started walking towards the bright city. The asphalt crunched under my shoes, while the persistent sound of metal crashing against metal in one of the factories located in the industrial area around me determined the tact of my steps.

I let my mind wander while I walked, thinking about my day at work, about what I will do when I get home, and about what I will do tomorrow at work and when I get home. The same as today. I will hang up my old, worn out jacked, then I will pour myself a glass of wine, sit down in front of my window, stare through it into a dark world, and think about life. Think about all the decisions I've made in my life and ask myself if there was a path I could've taken that would have led me somewhere else, somewhere more bright, without this tiring monotony that sucked all the energy out of my body and mind. Maybe I'd have a wife and kids, living one of those colorful lifes that everyone dreamt about. The thought alone let a shiver run through my spine, and it got a little easier to accept my own fate.

Deep in thoughts I only noticed the figure on the sidewalk when it was already less than two hundred feet away. It was standing in the middle of the street, not moving an inch, posture upright, chin lifted against the cold wind. Everything except the face was wrapped in a black cloak, reaching down to the ankles and revealing black boots. The collar was turned up, the hands were buried in the pockets and the hood was covering the head, but I wasn't sure whether it was due to the weather or rather because it looked so much more dark and intimidating.
Because, at this point, I was sure this was exactly what the person was trying to do. I slowed down my steps a bit, not sure whether it was a good idea to get closer, but I didn't turn around. Even though I should have been terrified, I wasn't. There was something about this figure that fascinated me, that screamed for me to get closer. I was only around one hundred feet away, and now I was able to make out facial features. It looked pointy, with a sharp jaw and prominent cheekbones. It was a man, I realized, and for some odd reason he was incredibly handsome. But as I continued walking towards him, I realized that he was completely black and white, something I was sure of even though I was colorblind. There were no colors on his clothing, the few strands of hair that peeked out from under his hood were shining like silver, but the weirdest thing was that there was no color in his face either. His skin was extremely pale, nearly white, and the cold didn't leave any red cheeks.

The only exception to his colorless appearance were his eyes. At first I thought they were yellow, but I realized that once again, I was wrong. They were green, a bright green, like young leaves on a tree, as far as I was able to tell. And those eyes were staring directly into me.

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