~ Introduction ~

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Please read:

This is my first ever book on Wattpad, and basically my first ever published fanfiction (I uploaded the first oneshot of this book on Ao3 as well), so I hope I will do this stuff right.

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to the cc's. I ship their online characters, not the real people, but if one of them is uncomfortable with any of my stories, I will take it down immediately. I will try my best to be informed about their consent to this, and be as respectful as I can. If you find something that someone said they were uncomfortable with, please tell me.

However, if you personally are uncomfortable with something that the cc is fine with, just don't read it and don't bother me with your ethical beliefs. I don't care.

What I will not write:

- Smut

- Ships with minors (might do platonic stuff though)

What I will write:

- Any ships that I and the cc's in question are comfortable with

- Oneshots without any ships or platonic relationships

- Fluff, Angst

- Different settings and styles

Trigger warnings: I will write trigger warnings at the top of every chapter. However, some people might be triggered by things that I'm not aware of are sensitive topics. So please read with care and tell me if you need any additional warnings.

General tw: swearing

Mistakes/criticism: English is not my native language, so if you find any mistakes, please point them out so I can correct them and learn from them. I also greatly appreciate feedback and constructive criticism. Just don't be a dick and send hate to anyone.

Read if you're interested:

Updates: I mainly write to get the ideas out of my head and do something with them. I can't really find the motivation to write if I don't have any ideas. So updates of this book will be slow and infrequent.

Requests: You can send me requests if you want to. I will only write them if I'm genuinely interested and have my own ideas about it though.

Okay, that's it with the boring (but necessary) shit. Let's get on with the content. I hope you enjoy. I not, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'm trying my best.

Honestly, I just hope people will find this.


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