Chapter 3: The In-between

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Vivi looked around briefly at the girls with serious eyes, "Do not forget that they live in Vear'eir, they may never know or understand where we have come from....what we have endured, so never fault them for a childhood that wasn't ripped away from them, or for not knowing hunger, cold, fear, and everything we immanently know."

The chastened girls quickly nodded their heads responding in like with a simple word, "Agreed."

The tinkling of the bells sounded for a final time just after the last fae entered the classroom, immediately the girls cut their communication. Mrs. Davis turned towards the students, but before she could say a word a student from the back of the room called out, "Please, Mrs. Davis, can we bypass the lecture today, its Friday."

Yet, Mrs. Davis was immoveable, "Sorry Cullen, but Friday is a major lecture day not a free day." To the rest of the class she addresses them, "Because your fellow classmate wants to dictate how I operate my class and decide when it should or should not be a free day, you will all write a twelve-paged essay, single spaced, without a computer on why a teacher's classroom is anarchy not an oligarchy. I expect all papers on Monday, no exceptions. Turn them in or fail my class and I will see you next year." With that said, Mrs. Davis continued with the chosen lecture of the day.

Soon Mrs. Davis ended the lecture and sat at her desk monitoring the class. Mrs. Davis actual name was Berta Johnson Davis. She hated it when her students mentioned it. The bell sounded again, signaling the end of homeroom. Most of the class exhaled and quickly scattered out the door, rushing to the next class. The girls smoothly stood, gathered their materials and slid into the crowd. As they walked through the hallways, they remained silent, each lost in their own thoughts.

They ventured through another obsidian door into another classroom. This class was run by an old professor with curly gray hair, so thin that you could see his pasty pale scalp. He always wore the same clothes; faded plaid pants and a fishing shirt. His glasses usually were hanging around his neck on a chain. After the girls took their seats.

The twinkling bells sounded again and Mr. Crouch-the teacher-started talking about the Placement, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your final year in Obsidian Skyland High. Because of this, you will all participate in the Placement. The Placement is where, according to your energy and magi abilities, the fae board will place you into areas that will fit you and one that also benefits the realm. 

Each one of you, will be taking a series of tests, and based on those results, the board will place you accordingly. Nevertheless, you can choose a sector that you wish to be in, but..., know now that you may yet not get it. You shall be placed in this choice for the rest of your life, may you choose wisely. When you choose, the following year, your new life begins. After the Placement, the moment you turn nineteen, you are then expected to take a mate, also choose them wisely." Mr. Crouch explained more but, his class ceased listening.

Once more, the same troublemaker that appeared in the former class, Cullen, voice rang out, "Mr. Crouch, what if, we choose not to be placed? Or if we choose not to take a mate?"

Sighing, Mr. Crouch warily replied, "Your case, will then," he sighs again, "be reported to the King, and he will decide your fate." Another heavy sigh and deep breath, the teacher looks around his class and continues, "These are the laws we follow, to disobey brings certain death. Countless years, it has been this way. Ever since..." taking a breath, Mr. Crouch cuts himself off.

Cullen and the class have now gathered to listen closely. A few minutes of silent passes before Cullen asks once more, "Since what?"

The teacher turned pale and coughs hesitantly, clearing his throat, and lowering his voice, he began, "Since the ending of the High Elementals; Water, Wind, Earth, and Fire. When they were killed a new age was formed. This age, was destruction and war, disease and famine, darkness and shadows. Mad men, kings, killed for sport, their daughters, wives, mothers, and children. 

Everyone had hope that the High Fae would return, but still have never been seen. Hope light the eyes of many, wish for a light in the darkness, the life before an assassin murdered the High fae Water. Water clam the others, was the main fae. She alone controlled the other High Fae, whom were there to influence and guide. Her powers were so great, and her light so pure, no darkness could survive. 

In the night the Mad King to the South, Ushner of Can'tar, descended upon the High Fae's ruling kingdom in the mountains, Vandelas. The High Fae evacuated their castle and villages, having them flee across the river to the east, to the kingdom of Vear'eir, the king there was a loyal subject to the High Fae. Water sent Air, Earth, and Fire to guard the others, staying behind to face a vas army..."

Another student, a mousey girl asked, "But who were the High Elementals?"

Mr. Crouch grudgingly replied, "Four women, born with the four gifts that created the realm of the fae. Only four women are born with this gift, but since the Elemental War, none have been born. These women harmonized the world and kept evil away. Peace, prosperity, love, happiness, and other light words sum up their reign. 

The High Elemental was Water, she controlled all. Under her, yet even with her, were Wind, Earth and Fire. They all worked together to keep the world together and evil out. After their death, the realm was shaken out of balance and everything regarding them, disappeared. Nothing more is known about them."

Taking a deep breath and looking around the classroom, stalling questions, he went on with his previous story, "Water managed to take out the army, but was killed in the process by a necromancer's poison. As she died, Air, Earth, and Fire felt her pain, lived her death. It was said that they received all of her memories and secrets; her visions of what was to come. Once their subjects were hidden in the kingdom of Vear'eir, the High Fae disappeared. 

It has been told, that when the High Fae died, light went out in the world. Because Water controlled all, Air, the second, was unable to control the others. Corruptions started in the lands, poisoning the remaining High Fae. Fire lost her mind, killing everything in her path, turning the world into chaos. Earth stopped her, dying with her friend. Air, the last High Fae, took something and hide it. 

What it was has been lost to time. But as Air died, our era began. Laws, destruction, evil, and chaos now rule these lands. And because of so, death follows those who disobey and seek to righten the world once again." Mr. Crouch took a deep breath and spoke to his class with authority and stressing a few words, "You must never repeat that, many are disciplined when even mentioning the names or old way of life. If they knew that the common fae wanted the old life back, the king and his army would remove the problem."

Changing the subject, he told them more about the upcoming Placement. Everyone but the four girls listened, the thoughts of the High Elementals still swirling in their minds. The bell twinkle, signaling the end of their class. Once more gathering their materials, the girls stroll to the dining hall. "Do you believe what Old Man Crouch said...about the know who?" asked Mc.

"I don't know (pauses, taking a breath), I need more information for a concrete answer. What about you, Ane?" replied Ava.

Ane shrugged and breezily replied, "Every story has its truth...but this seems over the top."

They all looked to Vivi, thoughtfully she answered their unspoken question. "I do. That story has more truth in it then what we think."

As the girls left the classroom, two concepts battled in their minds. One thought being the upcoming Placement and needing to keep their secrets, while the other was on who were the High Elemental, and what did Air hide? 

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