"Hey, care to hang back for a sec?"

I blink once, then twice. I wasn't sure what I felt as my stomach continued to twist and turn restlessly. It's pretty late. Maybe I'm just hungry?

I notice Aelita has been patiently waiting for us, sitting with her legs halfway in the sewers. I wave her off with a smile, not wishing to keep her for long.

William turns back to me, arms crossed and a clear look of concern written plainly for me to see.

"Out with it. What's bothering you?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Sheesh. Is it that obvious?"

"Maybe not to the others, but," William takes a half-step forward. "I'd say I'm pretty good when it comes to reading body language. So, yeah. It is."

I hum, unsure of what to say, as I make my way towards the ledge. The water was below is calm, with a clear reflection of the moon. Though no doubt it'd be freezing to touch since it's almost fifty degrees out. I hop up on the rail and entangle my legs between the bars for support.

"You might think it's kinda dumb, but," I pause, wondering how I should tell him. "I'm pretty sure I saw someone as we were being materialized."

"You saw someone?" William hops up on the bars beside me. "You sure you're not just tired?"

"Well," Focusing my attention on the chipped paint, I began to pick at it. "I thought I did. I don't know if you can be exhausted enough to where you begin seeing things in virtual reality."

"Let's just keep this between us, then." Will leans back on the beam with ease, coming off as if he didn't care if he fell or not. "If we tell the others, they'll just overthink everything and make it worse than it needs to be."

"Fair point."

Silence washes over, and I can't help but be reminded of the other day with Odd.

I didn't mean for it to end like that. We haven't really spoken to each other since we've hung out. Well, I guess we kind of talked just now, but nothing other than that. He was so cheery about it too. Maybe I'm overreacting?

"What about you and the goofball?"

"What about it?"

William sighs loudly, shifting his weight to face me. "Ever since you've got here, it's almost like the two of you have been inseparable. Though, after your date Wednesday, you've barely spoken to each other."

"First, it wasn't a date." I huff. "Second, Odd isn't the only friend I have here. Aren't I allowed to hang out with people outside our group?"

"(Y/n), please. No need to beat around the bush."

"I'd rather beat around the bush than deal with it."

William sighs and folds his arms once more. "And ruin the friendship you have with him?"

"Seriously," My face twisted into a pout. "It was awkward enough as is; I'd rather not deal with it so soon."

"Look, I get it. Things must've ended badly, and now you're avoiding him." He says. "The same thing happens to Yumi, Ulrich, and me on multiple occasions."

"Yeah, but it's not like we were arguing over who liked who. I brought up Sam, and things went downhill from there."

"Oh, that chick? I haven't met her before, but Odd's mentioned her a few times."

I focus my attention on the water below, watching it splash against the bridge's support beams. God, I wish heading back in time would erase our memories sometimes, what I wouldn't give for that right now.

"Hey, would you maybe want to try something? You know, to take your mind off things?"

"Something like arson or something like summoning a demon?"

"Neither. Though that sounds like something, we should explore another time."

I chuckle. "Alright, then what do you have on mind?"

"How do you feel about learning to play the guitar?" William suggest. "I'd like to say I'm pretty good when it comes to teaching and playing music."

"The only experience I have with music is with the Recorder they make you play in the second grade."

"Don't remind me." He groans. "The screeching notes never did help with the headaches that followed afterward."

"While we're at it." I grin and start poking at his sides. "I could always teach you how to swim?~"

William hides his face with his hand. With how bright the moon is tonight, it's more clear how embarrassed he is. "Y-You know about that? Sheesh, when did you find me out?"

"Well, let's just say that it was way before you knew about Lyoko." I shrug with a smile. "Can't help what you blabber in fear when you're dangling off a bridge."

William rolls his eyes. Standing up with a stretch, he extends his hand out to me. "Let's get going, shall we? It's freezing out here."

[1947 Words]

Out with the awkwardness and in with some bonding time! I actually love the current dynamic for the reader and Will, I think it's super adorable. I have the rough draft for the next chapter almost fully planned out so I should be able to start writing it soon enough. As usual, sorry for the long wait!

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