17 // Making Friends, Yay!

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She just shrugged it off however, not really wanting to mentor just yet anyway, her mental health still being way too fragile. The girl had decided that she would attend the upcoming Games, but only as a plus one, to morally support Josh, not as an official mentor. That way, Snow could do nothing about it and she'd be able to sit through seeing him frustrated, which was a bonus.

But that wasn't for another nine or ten months, the reaping taking place in the beginning of June, it still being in August back then, nearing the end of her Victory Tour.

The girl would use those months for her benefit and enjoy her stay at Victor Village, meeting with Finnick and Johanna as often as possible, trying to build on their friendship and support Josh through his multiple visits to the Capitol as best as she could, aiming to get a bit closer to Dania and meet her other neighbors as well, staying far away from Villòn, who still hated her for some unknown reason. But hey, he was Villòn after all, he didn't need a reason to hate anyone. It was just his nature.


As the tour finally came to an end, Aria and Josh threw themselves on the younger girl's couch, exhausted from all of that 'Capitol-ness' and jet lagged from spending so much time on that train.

The last stop had been, as always, the Victor's home District, but that didn't mean that they could just hang out in their houses. Nope, they had to stay in the Building of Justice with Peacekeepers around every corner, which got old really soon.

At least the girl was reunited with Layon and Fae once again.

Her dresses and outfits were incredible, as always, they were a creation of Layon, after all, and it was like the stylist knew exactly what the young girl wanted, as he made the outfits perfectly on-pair with her ideas without her even having to say anything.

Fae was also great company. The girl would admit that when she'd first met the escort, she didn't quite like her, but that had changed once they got to actually know each other and the Capitol raised woman had learned that the Games weren't as amazing and perfect as they seemed to be.

District Five's team that year was arguably the tightest one out there, regarding the members' actual like to each other, all of them supporting one another and even letting the young Victor's friends in on their little group.

The dinners were the best part, and it was during those times when Aria was secretly thankful for her name being reaped a couple of months back. Granted that she had gained constant nightmares and the president's attention - on the worse connotation ever - but she'd also come out of it with a family. It was an odd one, with Fae, Layon, Josh, and now Finnick and Johanna, but the young girl wouldn't change it for the world.

Who knew that the tyrant monarch would be receiving such a handful when the scrawny looking twelve year old had walked out of her section back at reaping day. If someone had warned him beforehand that this would happen, he would've gladly admitted to fraud and redone District Five's reaping, even though that would be a complete and utter lie, as Aria's name was reaped out of the girls' bowl fair and square. It really had only been there twice, as it should.


Heyooo you guys, how're you holding up? Today's chapter is on the shorter side, but that's simply because I'm not quite sure about what to write until Katniss and Peeta's Games, even though I do have all of my chapters outlined (I will confess though, that I've already changed a few things and relocated a few chapters ever since the start of me publishing this but, oh well..).

Today's song recommendation is 'Higher', by The Score, to represent Snow and Aria's relationship (him trying to get her down and her only getting higher). So, today was a bit more interesting, especially my history class. My history teacher is really awesome, she does impersonations and tells us the truth without sugarcoating it. It was really fun hearing her speak about one of the most important historical political figures of my country as if she were just a normal person, explaining why she (the political figure) isn't so great after all. Can you guess who that figure was?? Anyways... see you tomorrow. I love you all ;)

And may the odds be ever in your favor. Bye!


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A Part to Play // Hunger GamesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora