8 // Not Killing

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"Can't kill... just have to settle for critically disfigure" - Love me? Like you do (SandCrystal)


TW: fighting (no major wounds or descriptions) 

The young girl jolted awake at hearing a small moving sound in the snow, down under her tree and decided to check it out, after all, it's better to be cautious than to be dead.

It turned out to be just the wind playing pranks on the paranoid tribute, not something that was creeping up to kill her in her sleep. Yep, she was definitely paranoid.

But since the small girl was already wide awake, she got up and went to check on her traps before continuing on her path, following the flow of the river upwards, walking inside the freezing cold water in order not to be tracked down by her footprints in the snow.

She knew that walking in the water wasn't good for her feet and could possibly give the girl hypothermia, but she always made sure to stop every couple hundred miles and try to not let them get numb, choosing to not take her boots out to walk, ready to run at any given time.

Her plan was to get as far into the Arena as possible in order to locate the cameras. If her idea was going to work, she needed to know where they were, or at least most of them in the area she planned on sticking to.

The youngest tribute thought about the Games the day before and came to a conclusion that if the Capitol did not intervene too much, these should be on the longer side rather than the shorter, taking into consideration the number of dead people, size of the career pack and overall abilities of the tributes, which were all pointing to the same conclusion. Besides, for the looks of it so far, she could deduce that the Arena was also on the larger side.

In that scenario, she found herself in need of a meticulous plan to make her idea work, otherwise, it'd all be for nothing in the end.

Hence the reason the girl was walking around the Arena, trying to cover as much ground as she could, as quickly as possible.


Royce was focused in killing the careers - even though his success rate so far was non-existent -, needing to keep busy with something, a set goal in order not to lose hope and encouragement.

The boy really wanted to just go home soon and try to forget about the Games and what he'd already done and was planning on doing even more of: killing.

Being on the lookout for them made him realize how much of a self-absorbed prick you have to be to like the Games and the Capitol, finally totally comprehending Aria's point, when they used to discuss it during their late night training sessions.

He knew he wasn't going to kill Gian. Although the younger boy was in the career pack, he clearly did not belong, not having killed or fantasized about doing it to the others up to that point. He would let someone else do it instead. The boy was a killer, but there were some lines even he couldn't cross, at least, not just yet.

The older tribute envied his friend's sense of morality, hearing her go on and on about not being changed by the Games and those ass-suckers on the Capitol, not killing anyone and blah, blah, blah.

He just wished they could've met in better circumstances, or at least could be a little less close to each other. Don't get the tribute wrong, he loved his best friend and their close relationship, but if he had to kill the small girl, he didn't know if he could ever go back to what he once was, or forget. He'd probably just turn into another Villòn and drown his sorrows with booze. And that was if he could even do it.

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