2 // This Train is Fancier Than my Existence

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"Don't worry what people think, they don't do it often" - The Gilbert Twins (Octavia_Emerson)


The young girl was startled by the Peacekeepers opening the room's door, as she was so distracted by all of the interesting objects that were being displayed inside of it.

It was finally time for her and her District partner to be guided to the train and make their way towards the Capitol, in which all of the crazy stuff like parades, interviews, intensive training and well... the Games, would be going on.

A part of her was excited for the ride, never having set foot on a train before, but the other - more logical and to be honest, smarter part - was nervous about the whole situation she found herself in.

She couldn't say she was scared, because it wouldn't be true, but she was, for sure, filled with doubts and uncertainties about what was going to happen to her in the Arena and, in the remote possibility of her not dying during the bloodbath, about what she would do next.

Aria spaced out and didn't even notice when she was ushered into the magnificently chic train that would take her and Gian to the Capitol, like lambs to the slaughter.

She laughed internally at her comparison of herself to a lamb, glad she was still able to find humor even in the worst situations.

The girl took in the whole view of the room she was pushed into, which had a couple of tables with expensive looking foods and comfortable benches for all of them to sit down.

With the knowledge that she couldn't enjoy her stay on the train because it was all owned by the Capitol, the young tribute tried her best to not gawk, maintaining her hard stare, judging the Capitol and its citizens harshly for thriving over the Districts' misery, hating them with every fiber of her being.

The young tribute was pulled out of her hatred filled daze by an overly excited Fae calling out to her.

"Aria, are you even listening to what I'm saying?" The woman asked, resting her hand on her hip and looking over at the young girl in front of her.

"Yeah, sure." She replied, nodding. Anyone could tell she was lying her face off and at that, the older woman rolled her eyes and scoffed lightly.

"I said that you and Gian should really eat something before we get there. You'll only get see your mentors after the tribute parade, they've got stuff to do up till then." Fae repeated herself for the young girl, pointing at the food-filled table.

"Oh, yeah, thanks." She simply replied, going over to the middle of the room they were in and grabbing a small cake-like food that theoretically tasted like breakfast, bringing it to her mouth.

Both tributes ate until they were full, enjoying every bite of the food, seeing none of them came from rich families.

Aria was the first to finish, and as she did so, she excused herself and walked down a couple of wagons until she found her room, entering it.

The room was big considering the fact that they were in a train, and held a queen sized bed, a wardrobe with a couple of different outfits and a personal bathroom with an amazing looking shower, which held a total of six different buttons.

The young girl decided to take a refreshing shower and change into a more comfortable outfit, as she still had about two hours before they made it to the Capitol, even being one of the closest Districts.

She put on some plain black sweatpants, a light grey shirt and a pair of white converse she found lying around, hidden in the back of the wardrobe, it being the most comfortable clothes she could find in it.

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