7 // Welcome to Hell

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"If you're worried about if we'll die or... something, don't be! We'll be toooootaly fine!" - United: New Haven (Elfenlsland)


TW: murder and harming of children 

'Welcome to hell!' The young girl thought bitterly before running out herself.

Aria was quick to grab the closest pack she could find and run off to the forest, not stopping or looking back, afraid that it'd slow her down.

As the young tribute ran, she could hear screams of agony as people were brutally injured and killed. She thought about how the Capitol would be enjoying it, laughing as kids killed each other, and the girl scoffed at that.

When she got to the woods, the young girl­ immediately climbed a tree, in order to look at the battle still going on, to better access the other tributes' strength and will to kill.

She then saw her first death, the District Seven girl, the one who was on the platform besides her. She was killed by the girl from District One, who shot an arrow straight at her head, making the girl instantly drop to the ground, dead.

She then, watched as Royce killed off the boy from Nine and sadness hit her as her only friend made his first kill.

After that, all of the non-career tributes left managed to scurry off and find shelter elsewhere, leaving the group of six career tributes to explore the cornucopia.

Royce had not stayed with the career pack, Gian taking his place alongside the tributes from Districts One, Two and Four. At least now she knew that the boy would probably last for a while, and she was happy for him.

The girl knew she needed to find a reliable water source and shelter for the night, planning on acting out on her earlier idea later on, not really having the means to do it just yet.

Before walking off however, the young tribute decided to check out her pack and see if there was anything useful in it, planning on dumping any dead weight right off the bat.

Opening the medium-small sized backpack, the first thing she found was a white nylon sleeping bag and some transparent rope, both of which she planned on using to sleep, quickly realizing the safest place would be up in the trees, her being small and able to go up and down really fast.

There was also an empty water bottle, some purifying tablets, a pair of sharp boomerangs, a few packets of crackers and dried beef, and a black beanie, which she decided to put on immediately, in order to keep warmer, due to the cold - and only getting colder - weather in the Arena.

The girl almost fell off the tree she was seated on in surprise, as the cannon sound blasted thrice, signaling the end of the bloodbath.

The young tribute was about to leave, going deeper into the woods, but decided against it last minute, wanting to observe the career pack for the night, trying to get some more info on them.

Only a few moments later she found out that her decision had been completely worth it, as she saw the girl from District Four drink some of the lake water and instantly collapse, mouth foaming as the sound of a fourth cannon could be heard all around the Arena. The lake was poisonous!

The other careers went to see what happened, but the foam in her mouth was already gone, which meant they had absolute no idea what killed the girl.

'Smart.' Aria thought, 'They won't even see what's coming.'

The young girl decided to camp out in that same tree, after all, who knew when important stuff would happen? So she pulled out the sleeping bag and the rope and tied herself up, in order not to fall in the middle of the night.

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